GABRIEL'S CLARION (may10gab.htm)

May 10, 2004
vol 15, no. 131

Mary's Brand of Choice

        Today's charlatans of choice are the blind leading the blind. Not much chance of seeing clearly is there? Like rats in a maze, they have no clue what right means or what is truly right. Yet if they would put their trust in the Blessed Virgin Mary and emulate her, they'd have that 20-20 soul vision necessary for reaching Heaven.

    "We are drowning in so-called rights and privileges championed by the selfish, sinful, proud, and clueless. As we seek and recognize more rights, we lose and forget our God! The more we attempt to carve for ourselves, the more we fade into the superficial wood of this world. The more we sweep in our direction, the more dust of damnation sweeps into our lives clouding us from truly seeing God and His Divine Will! We conjure up sin to satisfy our whim and paint that sin as choice and rights, when there has never been a right to sin or choice to reject God!"

    Everywhere we turn, we see proclamations favoring "choice" and "freedoms," most coming from the blind advocates of misery loves company. These blind rats roam the sewers of sin oblivious to the traps laid by the Red Dragon, posing as the friendly cat. Rather than asking for help, these blind rats of revisionism, revolution and rudeness are so bold as to warn us of the tragic and disastrous results if we do not recognize, accept, and even embrace all such efforts and "rights" that they set as the standard in so lowering the bar. We are flooded with images of this society's concept of 'divine', and that 'divine' is our selfish, egotistical, arrogant, limitless image in the mirror.

    We have chosen a golden calf, and that golden calf is our own preoccupation with ourselves and our so-called autonomy, right to choose, and ability to do what we want where we want when we want how we want if we want! Choice is now used to justify all manner of sin, most notably the vile, heinous sin of abortion.

    Well, it is time to realize that, not surprisingly, the kind of "choice" which these ghouls are trying to hoist on a society still decent enough to resent it is not the choice of God, for God, with God, and for the salvation of souls. In fact, it is not choice at all, but a pile of trash being sold as a key to happiness. The only thing more repulsive than moral trash is the sale of that trash as anything but what it is, and those who would benefit from that sale far out trash the trash they sell! No, let they who would seek choice look to the ultimate teacher and example of choice, and that is Our Blessed Mother!

God's Right to Choose

    Our Heavenly Mother always knew Who had the true right to choose, and it was not she! As She so eloquently put in her Magnificat, She was but a servant, a slave of God's Will and Choice. Rather than protest or set terms to The Master of The Universe, Our Lady humbly recognized, accepted, and even enthusiastically embraced God's Right to Choose and His Divine Will. By choosing God, Mary freed her soul, her mind, her heart, and her destiny to His Sacred Will and Purpose.

    Instead of searching for happiness by choosing to find Herself, She found eternal glory and honor by choosing to lose Herself in the search for God's Will. Mary had everything in its proper priority, and therefore She was not even tempted to fall into this world's sale of superficial symbols of sin.

The Only Right is God!

    We are drowning in so-called rights and privileges championed by the selfish, sinful, proud, and clueless. As we seek and recognize more rights, we lose and forget our God! The more we attempt to carve for ourselves, the more we fade into the superficial wood of this world. The more we sweep in our direction, the more dust of damnation sweeps into our lives clouding us from truly seeing God and His Divine Will! We conjure up sin to satisfy our whim and paint that sin as choice and rights, when there has never been a right to sin or choice to reject God!

    There is only one right, and that is God! There is only one right, and that right is God's right to do His Will and serve His Purpose! There is only one right, and that is Christ, Who alone is the right path to God and salvation! There is only one right advocate for our salvation, and that is Our Heavenly Mother! She is our Heavenly Example pointing the way to salvation and eternal union with our Heavenly Father! She is our Heavenly Guide leading us to the right of God's judgment!

She Has 'Been There, and Not Done That'!

    It is both ironic and masterful that God Almighty should choose a woman exposed to the perils and hardships of this world to be the Mother of His Divine Son! Truly Mary is the Second Eve, making up for the devastating damage done by the first Eve. Through her fiat will come the Second Adam - our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. At a time when mysterious motherhood could be a death sentence, God Almighty created the ultimate mystery of the incarnation to free this world from the sentence of sin and open the opportunity to salvation if we follow His path! Mary was certainly aware of the hardships and peril of childbirth under these difficult conditions. She certainly had the right to decline if she wished. She certainly had the right to feel unworthy or unfit or judge Herself the wrong candidate for the mission at hand, yet she humbly accepted and did not take the easy way out. She has been with child and felt the discomforts and anxieties of motherhood, but She did not seek to avoid these or cater to self over service to God. As Her Son would accept His cup in the garden, She accepted Her cup at the words of the angel!

Preaching To The Choir of Cacophony!

    How dare they who pretend to preach what choice and freedom and womanhood mean! Let them not preach to the choir for they mock God and spit on His Will! They propose to teach choice and rights in the face of Our Blessed Mother, who along with our dear Jesus are the only choice and the only right path we need! Did Adam teach God how to create? Did Isaac tell his father Abraham how to serve The Lord? Did the blind man tell Our Lord how to heal? NO! And for good reason, for we are to humbly serve our Lord and live for, with, and by His Will, not ours!

    So do not look upon those who mindlessly pretend to control or determine their fate, for their fate is no more in their hands than the pharaoh's fate was in his! Do not seek guidance from those who would be guided by their own selfish whim, for their guidance leads only to damnation and eternal perdition! Do not infect innocent minds and confused hearts with the stain of sinful philosophy or greed, for you will be held responsible for both the loss of your soul and that of those you lose! Look to The Virgin Mary as the wise men looked to the star, for through Her example we will once again find the Savior waiting for us to bring Him our gifts of obedience, love, respect, and adoration! That must be our magnificat, our fiat.

Gabriel Garnica

    Editor's Note: We are pleased to announce Gabriel Garnica will be contributing many articles in 2004. Heaven is once again under attack by those who would seek to ignore and overthrow God's majesty and authority. Gabriel Garnica, educator and attorney, will submit regular insights and commentaries to remind and help guide readers toward a deeper and more assertive faith. Touching on topics and issues ranging from personal faith, doctrine, education, scripture, the media, family life, morality, and values, Gabriel's notes will be music to traditional ears but unpleasant tones to those who have bought into the misguided notions so prevalent and spreading in today's Catholic world.

    Gabriel's Clarion
    May 10, 2004
    Volume 15, no. 131