GABRIEL'S CLARION (mar17gab.htm)

March 17, 2004
vol 15, no. 77

Spitting on Their Graves

What if St. Paul had said no? What if St. Peter had not returned to Rome? What if St. Tarsicius had let the profaners ransack the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle? What if St. Francis Xavier had decided against going east? What if St. Patrick had given up when seemingly insurmountable odds faced him? Where would we be today? It is only through the missionary efforts of these and countless saints who preceded us that we have our Faith today. They are owed a big debt of thanks and yet gratitude is the farthest thing from the plans of the New Order.

    " If all will find salvation regardless of their religion, if all religions are equal and none is superior or true in relation to the others, then these legends of our Faith were nothing but fools wasting their sweat and blood for an empty cause! How blasphemous a claim to make! In fact, we can go as far back as Paul to say that he, too, was a fool, for he converted from one thing to the same thing. If we thus say this about Paul, are we not turning his experience on the way to Damascus into a likewise joke? Are we not even calling God Almighty a fool for bringing us messages of Truth when those messages did not matter? Yes, to accept Ecumania, one must accept such a load of trash that follows it, and there is no excuse for claiming to accept the madness without the straightjacket!"

    First of all, a happy St. Patrick's Day to all. Few today realize who this great missionary was. He was a holy man. From so many drunken revelers who use his day as an excuse for ribaldry, it reminds me of how profane the sacred has become. We are constantly appalled by the actions of The New Order in dismantling our sacred Traditions as well we should be, but these acts of blasphemy and even sacrilege begin by their vary nature as insults upon God Almighty, Christ our Savior, Our Blessed Mother, and even our legion of saints who lived, and died, for our Truths of the Faith!

    But thoughts of these saints, remembrance of the great feats achieved and what they encountered, are relegated to the dustbin or the back shelf and covered up with the propaganda of the newer 'canonized saints' who, truth be known, are, for the most part- with the exception of worthy holy persons like Padre Pio and Faustina Kowalska and a few others - the vast majority elevated over the past 25 years are more or less political appointments to appease and pay back certain groups. It is a travesty against those who truly deserved to be saints and should never be forgotten. But alas, the New Order doesn't want us to remember.

    In fact, as has recently been documented, Cardinal Walter Kasper has publicly pronounced to the bishops in Russia and the Ukraine not to proselytize the Faith, not to be concerned with converting souls but to adhere to the 'party line' in order that we can all get along. Ah, the fruits of ecumenism and compromise!

Our Missionaries

    The saints, especially the holy missionaries who propagated the Faith, would be appalled at such disregard for the Faith. Think of scores of evangelists and missionaries who endured great hardships and even death to spread the True Faith to distant, often unfriendly lands. These mighty soldiers of our Faith risked and suffered everything for the sake of their divine mission to obey Christ's call that we all carry our Faith to all people, seeking to baptize them in the Faith thus bringing to them the message and possibility of salvation. Saint Paul and the Apostles, following Saint John the Baptist and Saint Stephen, set the standard by upholding and adhering to enthusiastically, lovingly. St. Patrick, while not a martyr, suffered much in order to bring the Faith to the people of Ireland. Saint Boniface the same in Germany; Saint Francis Xavier in the Orient; Saint Isaac Jogues to the Huron and Mohawk Indians in early America; and Saint Maximilian Kolbe at Auschwitz to name just a few of the countless missionaries that have kept the fire of Faith burning.

    If now we infect our divine Faith with the misguided notions of Ecumania, are we not then ignoring, disrespecting, ridiculing, mocking, and spitting upon everything these great missionaries sacrificed? Indeed we are, and all in the name of tolerance, diversity and the new so-called divine mission!

    If all will find salvation regardless of their religion, if all religions are equal and none is superior or true in relation to the others, then these legends of our Faith were nothing but fools wasting their sweat and blood for an empty cause! How blasphemous a claim to make! In fact, we can go as far back as Paul to say that he, too, was a fool, for he converted from one thing to the same thing. If we thus say this about Paul, are we not turning his experience on the way to Damascus into a likewise joke? Are we not even calling God Almighty a fool for bringing us messages of Truth when those messages did not matter? Yes, to accept Ecumania, one must accept such a load of trash that follows it, and there is no excuse for claiming to accept the madness without the straightjacket!

Saint Tarsicius

    We are told that St. Tarsicius was a martyr for the Eucharist who preferred to die rather than allow the Sacred Body of Christ to be in the least disrespected by an angry, pagan mob. This great saint sacrificed his life for The Real Presence. Is not that angry, pagan mob alive and well in our society, in our Faith, in our churches today? Do we not see enemies of The Real Presence and of Eucharistic Adoration show disrespect everywhere we turn in this day and age? What would Tarsicius think of receiving the most Holy Body of Christ in his hands while standing, and from a layperson no less, while joking around or while pop music played? I think he would be shocked beyond description. Can there be any lower insult to a holy act of sacrifice in honor of The Real Presence than a daily barrage of insults to that same divine Truth? No, God will not be mocked by the New Order's manner of worship. He will not continue to allow these insults, profane behavior and blasphemy of His holy Name and His Church which He established upon the Rock of Peter.

We Are Called To Follow Their Footsteps

    Our great missionaries and saints such as Tarsicius are no longer present to fight for the True Faith that they loved so much, but their example and sacrifice is our guide. We must not allow their blood to have been spilled in vain! We must reject the New Order's disregard and ridicule of everything that our missionaries and Tarsicius stood for, for in that direction lies perdition!

    Let us enthusiastically spread and defend our Faith with confidence and pride in a world filled with new pagans and dangers. Let us hold fast to the Holy Sacrament of The Eucharist as the Treasure of our Faith that it is and never let the angry pagan mobs disrespect and trample upon the Most Sacred Body of Christ! That is why the Traditional Latin Mass always had that safeguard in place. No wavering from the ritual which is what creates confusion when those in the New Order ad lib their way through it as if they're the reason everyone is there to see them. I have news for them. If that is the reason, then they might as well just leave quietly and enter the Protestant church down the street. There is no difference. Whereas in the Latin Mass, these abuses are nowhere to be found for there is nothing but reverence and respect for the Blessed Sacrament and the divine Rite of the Mass.

    If we stand by and let The New Order's agenda continue without protest, then we are spitting on the graves of our missionaries and saints like Tarsicius. That is a blasphemous act that will not sit well with God or His Angels and Saints. We need to disregard the cacaphony of the New Order, and return to the reverent silence of the True Catholic Faith. We need to remember these saints and we need to be open to Heavenly promptings through the Sacred Deposit of the Faith handed down through the Apostles to this present day. Despite Kasper's rants in order to placate the schismatic Russians, we cannot deny Christ so easily if we are truly servants of Christ. To be a true servant means to stand up for The Faith. Let the blood of these great martyrs call us to our mission to maintain the Faith no matter the cost, for there is nothing more priceless than our Faith!

Gabriel Garnica

    Editor's Note: We are pleased to announce Gabriel Garnica will be contributing many articles in 2004. Heaven is once again under attack by those who would seek to ignore and overthrow God's majesty and authority. Gabriel Garnica, educator and attorney, will submit regular insights and commentaries to remind and help guide readers toward a deeper and more assertive faith. Touching on topics and issues ranging from personal faith, doctrine, education, scripture, the media, family life, morality, and values, Gabriel's notes will be music to traditional ears but unpleasant tones to those who have bought into the misguided notions so prevalent and spreading in today's Catholic world.

    Gabriel's Clarion
    March 17, 2004
    Volume 15, no. 77