GABRIEL'S CLARION (feb26gab.htm)

February 26, 2004
vol 15, no. 57

The Morons Do Not Fall Far From The Idiot

Do these people lambasting Mel Gibson and 'The Passion of The Christ' actually hear what they're saying?

    "I thought that I had heard it all! But how wrong I was, for this motion picture has turned out to be like a bug spray which is sending all of the ignorant, biased fools out of their hiding places. At least, I said to myself, there won't be any other so-called media types foolish enough to mock God as Rooney did, but alas, I spoke too soon! "

    I intended to take a brief writing hiatus for the rest of this week, in respect to Ash Wednesday, but I am sorry to say that the unrelenting foolishness and disrespect spilling over The Passion of The Christ has not allowed me to do so. After writing my piece on Andy Rooney's blasphemous blabs on 60 Minutes in which he mocked being contacted by God and informed that Mel Gibson was a "nutcase", a "wacko", and a "mistake" of creation, I thought that I had heard it all! But how wrong I was, for this motion picture has turned out to be like a bug spray which is sending all of the ignorant, biased fools out of their hiding places. At least, I said to myself, there won't be any other so-called media types foolish enough to mock God as Rooney did, but alas, I spoke too soon!

"God Spoke To Me" Gag is For Idiots

    Dennis Dugan of Newsweek (We know where that publication stands after their liberal cover piece by Meacham) has decided that he too, has been contacted by God! It takes real genius to steal somebody else's trash and take it down a notch, and that is what this pathetic journalist has done. In his article of February 24th, Dugan tells us that God told him, "See this movie about my Son real quick. I don't think it's going to be playing past next week." The worst and most blasphemous part, however, follows. Dugan tells us that God told him

    "Who in h***, excuse my profanity, wants to sit through 2 hours to see a movie in Aramic and Latin and watch my son get cut to ribbons? Son, you have better things to do. Go watch that Adam Sandler movie. It's fun and you'll love that Drew Barrymore."

    Based on God Almighty's alleged conversations with Rooney and Dugan, The Lord uses profanity, thinks we have better things to do than think about religion or Jesus, and likes to peek at 'attractive' women like Diane Sawyer and Drew Barrymore! Can this get any more absurd, scandalous, blasphemous, and sacrilegious?

Wait, This Gets Better!

    Not only does Dugan proceed to ridicule Gibson's views on the vernacular and guitar playing in Mass, but also he sarcastically compliments Gibson on using a good public relations firm, Rogers and Cowan, to market his movie. He then counters with Dan Klores, who he calls a "very smart" public relations man in own right. According to Dugan, Klores says that those who engineered the publicity (for Gibson's movie) "ought to be ashamed of themselves" and have "appealed to neo-fascist Holocaust deniers" plus have "sold out for money. They are thoroughly cynical people." Oh, by the way, the Klores agency has a multitude of noble clients such as MTV and VH1, paragons of decency that have never done anything for which they should be ashamed of themselves, right? Klores is telling Gibson and his public relations firm that they should be ashamed of themselves while Klores has clients like MTV who handled the whole Janet Jackson Super Bowl thing; you cannot make this stuff up! I am sure that looking at the myriad of entertainment and corporate clients in the Klores stable of clients, one can never accuse Klores of "selling out for money"!

    I never cease to be amazed by the audacity, gall, and hypocrisy of these media fools, journalists and industry insiders, who use each other to support their arguments when each of them is usually worse than the other! Oh, one last thing, God happened to suggest that Dugan go see the Adam Sandler movie, made by Sony Pictures, while Sony Music has been a Klores client. Are you laughing yet? Or are you weeping with me over the idiocy of these fools as to what jerks they make of themselves before the public and before God?

The Blind Shall Lead The Blind

    Finally, Dugan tells us that Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hukind gathered his followers to protest the film in front of the multiplex at Times Square. The Assemblyman called Gibson's movie "Blood Libel" and "Anti-Semitic" and blamed the whole thing on the influence of Gibson's father. Everyone seems to forget that the actress Maia Morgenstern who plays Mary is Jewish and her parents were holocaust survivors. She has said many times that she would not have gone near the project if she thought it was Anti-Semitic. Likewise, people like Michael Medved and Jack Valenti have praised the movie and declared that it is in no way Anti-Semitic. Apparently any movie made by a non-Jew in which even one Jewish person does not look so appealing is Anti-Semitic!

    We shall end this tragic exercise in repeating the stupidity of the critics, which have crawled out of the woodwork to criticize Mel's film with the profound words of one Moshe Wieder of Flatbush, a follower of Hukind and protestor at the Times Square viewing. Although admitting that she had not seen the movie, she added, "I'm here based on all I have read. I believe that if uneducated people see this movie there will be violence."

    Yes, Moshe, beware those uneducated fools who will protest what they have not seen for, indeed, the blind shall lead the blind, and being uneducated is being blind. Now that I think of it, Moshe was right, as it seems uneducated people were inciting violence without even seeing the movie, right in front of the theatre!

Gabriel Garnica

    Editor's Note: We are pleased to announce Gabriel Garnica will be contributing many articles in 2004. Heaven is once again under attack by those who would seek to ignore and overthrow God's majesty and authority. Gabriel Garnica, educator and attorney, will submit regular insights and commentaries to remind and help guide readers toward a deeper and more assertive faith. Touching on topics and issues ranging from personal faith, doctrine, education, scripture, the media, family life, morality, and values, Gabriel's notes will be music to traditional ears but unpleasant tones to those who have bought into the misguided notions so prevalent and spreading in today's Catholic world.

    Gabriel's Clarion
    February 26, 2004
    Volume 15, no. 57