GABRIEL'S CLARION (feb20gab.htm)

February 20, 2004
vol 15, no. 51

The Sounds of Cowardice

    Does the sight of this Man bloodied and beaten bother you? It should. For each one of us placed those bruises and welts there by our sins and cowardice which so greatly offend Jesus. Every one us should get down on our knees and ask forgiveness and then rise up and defend the Truth!

      "The symbol of St. Mark is the lion, and that should be the symbol for all Catholics! Yes, the beast that tore Christian flesh in the Coliseum should be the mantle of all true defenders of the Faith for three reasons. First, by the lion we may all recall the ultimate sacrifice faced by our early Christians to which we may one day be called. Second, by the lion we may be reminded of Christ's Kingship among men. Third, by this ferocious beast we may be moved to defend and stand up for our Faith with similar fury and strength!"

    There is an extraordinary irony occurring at this very moment. It is a paradox of the highest, or lowest, order. It is a story that would be comical if it was not so tragic, revealing, and downright pathetic. Imagine a father ignoring or remaining silent as his beautiful daughter entered a ballroom to much awe and amazement. Imagine a mother ignoring her baby's enchanting motions and sounds so noticed by everyone else. Imagine the teacher of a prize student pretending not to know him when his work is commended. Imagine an athlete insulting her own sport. Imagine an author spitting upon, ripping apart, or burning his own best selling novel!

    Begin to imagine these paradoxes, these ironies, these odd twists of expectation and you have not yet reached the depths of the irony, the paradox that is the subject of this piece.

    Here we have a masterpiece of faith, a paragon of reverence, a tower of truth being erected upon a society, which outSodoms Sodom, sinks in a pool of immorality, and smiles in the face of the worst blasphemies, outrages, and sin. The ultimate portrait of True Catholic teaching and Faith has been painted, is being delivered, and will be displayed Ash Wednesday, and how many Catholic parishes remain silent?

The Saints are Rolling in Their Graves!

    Their blood was spilled long ago on many shores and soils of a distant world, but their sacrifice was not in vain, for from the deaths of these many martyrs came the spread of The True Faith. These holy and devout souls proved over and over again that the True Faith is worth standing, fighting, and dying, for! How fervently they battled to prevent sin and immorality from gaining a foothold on this world! How brilliantly they stood up for Christ and His message of salvation and Truth! How bravely they faced adversity and opposition carrying only their faith and belief in their God! How defiantly they rejected the noise of this secular, sinful, derelict world for the melodies of Heaven! How fervently they longed for the opportunity to once again defend their faith, to carry their cross, to be true soldiers for Christ!

    Where have we gotten from this glorious past of bravery, valor, fervor, and zeal? Where are our soldiers for Christ, our courageous advocates for the True Word of God? They are few and far between, since for every such true warrior of The Faith there are countless others scurrying away like scattered, scared mice avoiding the glare of a sinful society's flashlight! Catholic frauds who only pray at the altar, er, table, of comfort and convenience are having their weekly get togethers threatened by this "controversy".

    How much they wish they could just slip into the safety of anonymity and hide behind exhortations of "We would have helped Jesus that Friday, but we were not there." Well, guess what, friends, God has given you a second chance to "be there" as Christ is led to slaughter. Where are you? What of your despicable lies and pathetic hypocrisy?

    I thought you said you would be there for Our Savior? I guess you never thought you would be called on that one, did you? The saints are rolling in their graves, for you do not deserve to be called "Catholic" if you do not for once stand up with Mel Gibson and have some guts for a change!

The Good Shepherd May Truly Have Lost His Sheep!

    The symbol of St. Mark is the lion, and that should be the symbol for all Catholics! Yes, the beast that tore Christian flesh in the Coliseum should be the mantle of all true defenders of the Faith for three reasons. First, by the lion we may all recall the ultimate sacrifice faced by our early Christians to which we may one day be called. Second, by the lion we may be reminded of Christ's Kingship among men. Third, by this ferocious beast we may be moved to defend and stand up for our Faith with similar fury and strength!

    What, however, seems to be the symbol of those Catholic frauds who sit silently by or even attack Mel Gibson's masterpiece? Why, none other than the sheep, which, while a symbol of soft piece, is now turned into a model of passive cowardice and fear of controversy. Many Catholics today are the before of the Apostles' Pentecost after. Rather than being the forceful, assertive soldiers for the Faith, which the Apostles became after the Holy Ghost descended upon them, many Catholics are the weak, meek, wimpy, hesitant, and embarrassing reasons why the Catholic Faith has fallen so low! Yes, The Good Shepherd may have truly lost His sheep, for those sheep have followed the lead of a society dripping in sin and complacency!

By Their Silence You Shall Know Them

    With The Passion of The Christ set to open in less than a week, listen for what you will not hear and look for what you will not see from these frauds who dare to call themselves Catholic!

    Even Neo-Catholic sites, which often peddle in superficial fluff and ignore the insanity of Assisi and Fatima know enough to support and promote this masterpiece! Yet, we still see so-called Catholics so cowardly or confused or callous that they will ignore or even attack this grace of art from God. Preachers and priests who pine about peace or proclaim platitudes from their pulpits will pretend this masterpiece does not exist or worse proclaim the lies that it is Anti-Semitic or will cause division.

    Cowardly or confused Catholics will simply follow the crowd and avoid this issue to avoid controversy. All of these will continue to devoutly recite their hymns and declare their allegiance to their Savior while they leave Him once again to fend off the mobs of pagans and enemies of the Faith.

    Yes, by their silence you shall know them. Yes, they will once again pretend that the Christ being led to slaughter is not there. Yes, cowardice has a sound, and that sound is deafening silence, lest someone be offended by the sight of our Divine Crucified Lord!

Gabriel Garnica

    Editor's Note: We are pleased to announce Gabriel Garnica will be contributing many articles in 2004. Heaven is once again under attack by those who would seek to ignore and overthrow God's majesty and authority. Gabriel Garnica, educator and attorney, will submit regular insights and commentaries to remind and help guide readers toward a deeper and more assertive faith. Touching on topics and issues ranging from personal faith, doctrine, education, scripture, the media, family life, morality, and values, Gabriel's notes will be music to traditional ears but unpleasant tones to those who have bought into the misguided notions so prevalent and spreading in today's Catholic world.

    Gabriel's Clarion
    February 20, 2004
    Volume 15, no. 51