A Call To Peace DAILY CATHOLIC for November 18
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no. 33

INTRODUCTION: Jesus says in Matthew 11: 28,These Lessons/Meditations are a numerical series of 100 instructions given to Cyndi Cain, the Hidden Flower of the Immaculate Heart over the time period of January 6, 1995 to March 1, 1995 (Ash Wednesday). Though there are a few of these Lessons/Meditations from Our Lady, the majority are from Jesus Himself. He asks that these simple messages with deep theological insight be called "THE HIDDEN WAY" for it is in being truly hidden - obedient, humble little ones - that we are lifted up with Him in sharing His Passion and ultimately His glory. He asks that we hide ourselves in His wounds and there meditate upon His Passion and Death, contemplating upon His words in Matthew, "for there is nothing hidden, that shall not be revealed: nor secret that shall not be known" so that through discernment and meditation we can be drawn closer to the Triune Divinity and understand more clearly the role each of us is to play in His Plan of Salvation for ourselves and others. Only by immersing ourselves in Christ can we understand this as the words from the prayer "Anima Christi" - the essence of the salvific nature of Christ's Passion and Death - states: "O Good Jesus, hear me. Within Thy Wounds, hide me...so that hidden in Your Most Sacred Wounds, I may quickly come to great holiness for love of Thee." This is the essence of these special Lessons/Meditations including Lesson/Meditation #61 from Our Lady entitled,Living the Fifth Beatitude: Divine Mercy.
Lessons/Meditations from Our Lord and Our Lady to
the Hidden Flower of the Immaculate Heart

Lesson/Meditation #61:
Living the Fifth Beatitude: Divine Mercy
(Imparted on January 28, 1995 to the Hidden Flower by Our Lord)

      Beloved Hidden Flower of my Immaculate Heart, I am here with you. No, do not fear. In God’s time that which is your greatest suffering will become for you, my child, an eternal joy. To all of my little ones whom I love with all Motherly love, I say: Be merciful in all things, following all the examples my Divine Son has given to you. Learn well from the Gospel how beautiful it is to be merciful, because a merciful heart is so dear before the Throne of God. There is no limit to Divine Mercy. To God, to whom all things are known, one who lives mercy causes the Almighty to bend down, to pick up His merciful child in His arms and to comfort, console, forgive and strengthen.

     O! Hear my Motherly words and pray very much that all my Divine Son has told you shall take firm root in your soul and bring mercy to this sorrowing world.

     Mercy must have its roots in prayer which unites the soul to God. Pretense of human actions and speech which look and sound like Mercy, but is nothing more than a masquerade to conceal human pride, ego, self-righteousness and judgmentalness is truly the opposite of Mercy. Pretense of Mercy is self-love. True Mercy from God is love of God expressed with charity toward your neighbor. True Heavenly Mercy does not look at self. It is blind to self. It is blind to all uncharitableness and seeks only to radiate the True Light, my Divine Son.

     Pray daily that Mercy may fill you and will not be found lacking in you at the time of judgment. Seek to root out all of the world and your own human frailties which prevent Divine Mercy from glowing in your soul.

     It is through Holy Mass and the full Sacramental life of my Divine Son’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and through prayer and sacrifice that Mercy dominates and swiftly leads you to unity with God.

     With what tenderness does my Divine Son behold the merciful child. This child is in the Refuge of His Most Sacred Heart. Mercy is then poured out in ever-greater degree upon this soul, who accepts Divine Mercy for its own salvation, and also pleads for Mercy for all the world. Keep control over your thoughts, words and deeds by means of the power of Divine Mercy. If you would be merciful that you may receive Mercy, then come to my Divine Son’s Sacred Cross. Cling to this Sacred Cross where all Mercy was opened for all the world. From my Divine Son’s Cross you will learn what Mercy is. You will take it, treasure it and spend it for all the suffering souls, for you will comprehend that Mercy given freely to others is always replaced by even more Divine Mercy which has no limit.

     Therefore, little children, live my Messages. Pray, sacrifice, fast and do penance and the Infinite Divine Mercy of my Divine Son shall come upon you and all the world, for it must precede Divine Justice. Please heed my words for you cannot conceive of the critical times in which you live and the shortness of time left for all men to come to my Son.

     May Divine Mercy mark the immediate coming years, for I solemnly tell you that if it does not then the sufferings shall increase for every nation, and the souls of many shall be lost. I love and bless you. Thank you for responding to my Call!

NEXT WEEK: Lesson/Meditation #62:

THE ESSENCE OF THE SIXTH BEATITUDE: "Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God."
November 18, 1997     volume 8, no. 33    THE HIDDEN WAY

Visitors in '97