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TUESDAY      November 30, 1999     SECTION TWO      vol 10, no. 227

To print out entire text of today's issue, print this section as well as SECTION THREE and SECTION ONE

The Players in the Holy Father's historic "Jubilee Journey"

    In today's editorial, we begin a multiple part commentary on the whole mess over the Holy Land that hinders the way for the Holy Father to complete his historic "Jubilee Journey" next year, retracing the roots of our Christian heritage. We point out how the Pope wants to keep this a spiritual journey, from Iraq to Egypt to Nazareth to Jerusalem he is averting any political significance to his pilgrimage. But it is politics, not religion that is holding everything hostage. For the editorial, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" see CATHOLIC PewPOINT

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do"

Michael Cain, editor

Appreciation of Life Everlasting: Heaven

part two

    Today we continue with our new series in the search to uncover the wonderful treasures of the Church contained in the great Deposit of Faith. We conclude today a short two-parter on the Heaven and the rewards inherent to those who are faithful for the Prize is undescribable and forever, the reward of everlasting life. There is nothing else that can compare and nothing else we should strive for save this Goal. For the sixty-first installment, click on APPRECIATING THE PRECIOUS GIFT OF OUR FAITH


part two

True leisure is not lazy

      They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the words of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen have been known to launch a thousand images in one's mind, one of the ways this late luminary did so much to evangelize the faith. Because of the urgency of the times and because few there are today who possess the wisdom, simplicity and insight than the late Archbishop who touched millions, we are bringing you daily gems from his writings. The good bishop makes it so simple that we have dubbed this daily series: "SIMPLY SHEEN".

"Never before have men possessed so many time saving devices. Never before have they had so little time for leisure or repose. Yet few of them are aware of this: advertising has created in modern minds the false notion that leisure and not-working are the same - that the more we are surrounded by bolts and wheels, switches and gadgets, the more time we have conquered for our own."

Retroactive articles on Church history available from 33 to 1515 A.D. for review

   To allow all readers to catch up on our popular on-going series, we present a review of the period from the time of Christ when He founded the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church to the time of the Reformation and Pope Leo X, the 217th in the Petrus line early in the sixteenth century. These are installments 1 through 106. Until we are back to full strength we will continue the archives, giving readers the opportunity to catch up To read any of the 105 installments presently available in this long on-going series, click on the Archives of THE HISTORY OF THE MASS AND HOLY MOTHER CHURCH.

Finally the long-awaited books
are NOW available!

     With the messages completed, you can now order the book that contains ALL the messages. This much-anticipated 224-page book of ALL the messages to the world imparted to the Hidden Flower of the Immaculate Heart from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a lasting gift that will inspire you in your faith, and all God asks of us. You can acquire your own handsome, coffee-table top copy of "I SOLEMNLY TELL YOU..." containing all 632 messages or the THE HIDDEN WAY containing 100 inspirational Meditative Lessons from Our Lord and Our Lady on Church Doctrine by clicking on "I SOLEMNLY TELL YOU..." or THE HIDDEN WAY or both books at BOOKS

Click here to go to SECTION THREE or return to SECTION ONE or click here to return to the graphics front page of this issue.

November 30, 1999 volume 10, no. 227  DAILY CATHOLIC