My little children on this very special day when you gather in union of mind and heart through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, to reverence the miracle I gave you at the Last Supper, and by My command in perpetuity until the end of time, I wish for you to receive a new, pure and enlightened heart.
O! How I pour out Divine Mercy and countless graces when My little children come to Me and worthily receive Me in this - The Sacrament of Love.
Little ones, let your hearts burn with ardor from on high with lively zeal for Me, Who am the Light and Life of all.
Do not become hardened of heart, nor sag into lukewarmness. Am I not God? Am I not, therefore, fully present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in this most august Sacrament? O! Open your hearts and perceive with the intellect of your soul the great miracle I give countless times each day throughout the world.
O! If you fully grasped the greatness of this miracle, all of Sacred Scripture would be made clear unto you, as well as all the words My Holy Mother has given to you for many generations.
Little ones, you must seek to recognize My miracles not with your human senses which are finite and weak, but with the senses of your soul which are illumined by Divine Light.
O! How My children clamor for the Great Miracle! How My little ones conjecture and interpret unto their finite minds, never grasping the reality that each day I give unto all who believe the Great Miracle of My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Do not become discouraged. Nor do I want you to seek for times and dates as if you were on a treasure hunt. No! Enough of foolish curiosity. Only to one or two special messengers at a given apparition are made known times, which are never to be revealed until it is My Time.
Do not ask My messengers for times. Do not seek this because you lack trust in Me when you act this way.
I solemnly tell you the Warning and Miracle foretold shall come to you. But it shall come when you least expect it! Therefore, understand My Words. If you are filled with My Light, My Life and seek My Will above all else, interiorly you shall know the approach of these events so you may prepare the children of My Heart who are not prepared.
Until this interior call you must live each day in faith, hope and love and trust in Me in all things. I am God, and I reveal what My children need, not what they want!
Yes, these and more signs shall yet be given. What I seek is your heart so that I may give you Mine.
Therefore, pray much in these days and seek discernment and enlightenment. Pray and be pure, holy, simple little children and all that you need shall be given unto you.
Again, I say: Wait and watch closely. I Come!
I say now to all the world: Proclaim My Holy, Sacred Cross. Let every church have a true crucifix, and let your gazes meditate upon Me, your God and Savior.
Let every knee bend! Let every tongue proclaim My Cross - the Sign of your Salvation.
Proclaim My True Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament and return Me to My rightful place in My One True Church.
Behold, the world suffers the Crucifixion. How shall you endure if you do not have Me?
Behold, the Crucifixion is upon My children. Cling unto Me, that all Scripture may be fulfilled! For behold, I Come!
On this Holy Saturday each of My children should meditate upon the degree of your faith. Examine well your conscience. Have you spent this Holy Week in My company, traveling the most sorrowful Way of My Sacred Cross? Have you stayed with Me throughout the sorrow and have you asked for an increase in faith?
How those whom I had called needed faith on this long day of mourning and waiting. Their prayers did flow from tears and I heard them. Even then I was preparing all to receive in more abundance the necessary graces for faith to ripen and fully bloom when they would acknowledge that I had truly risen, Glorified!
This is for you a time of prayer filled with hope abounding in Me, Who Am. If you have such faith, hope and love, you shall not be found wanting, nor will you fear, for I shall be with you through it all!
Prepare with fervent prayer and penance for I Come!
1024 A.D.
Death of Saint Olaf Skottkonung, king of Sweden. Not to be confused with Saint Olaf, king of Norway, this Olaf was converted by Saint Sigfrid and established Christianity in Sweden. It was one of the few cases in history where two saints fought each other in battle as in the case of both kings in which Olaf of Sweden defeated Olaf of Norway. When he refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, rebellious followers murdered Olaf of Sweden in Stockholm.
1459 A.D.
Death of Blessed Anthony della Chiesa, a Dominican priest from Vercelli in northern Italy.
448 A.D.
Death of Saint Germanus of Auxerre, bishop and governor of Gaul who baptized thousands of Britons in the army he led against the Picts and Saxons. He died in Ravenna.
1192 A.D.
King Richard the Lionheart retakes Jaffa from the Saladin during the Third Crusade.
1291 A.D.
Beirut falls to the Mameluks, ending the Latin presence forever in Palestine and Syria.
1498 A.D.
Christopher Columbus discovers the island of Trinidad.
1556 A.D.
Death of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, religious founder of the Jesuits. For more see WEEKEND LITURGY
984 A.D.
Death of Saint Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester who, along with Saint Dunstan and Saint Oswald, was responsible for the restoration of monasticism in England. He also is known for translating the rule of Saint Benedict into English.
1096 A.D.
Peter the Hermit, who was chosen to lead the First Crusade after the death of Laszlo, leads his charges into Constantinople on this day.
1107 A.D.
The "lay investiture" controversy is settled by an assembly of bishops, abbots and nobles when the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Saint Anselm were reconciled. The former agreed to renounce his right to the investiture of bishops and abbots, and the saint agreed to the clergy paying homage to the king for their temporal possessions. It was upheld by Pope Paschal II.
1754 A.D.
Pope Benedict XIV issues his tenth encyclical Quod Provinciale, intended for the bishops of Albania on the alarming use of Christians taking Muslim names.
1787 A.D.
Death of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop, Religious Founder and Doctor of the Church. For more, see THIS WEEKEND'S LITURGY