DAILY CATHOLIC   THURSDAY, April 2, 1998   volume 9, no. 66


INTRODUCTION: These Meditative Lessons on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary which encompass the Passion and Death of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ were imparted via both interior visions and interior locutions to Cyndi Cain, the Hidden Flower of the Immaculate Heart from the Blessed Mother of God during Lent in 1993. Cyndi relates that, "while I saw many details in these interior visions, only certain details were to be written down. Therefore, these lessons are not meant to be a detailed geographical or historical account, nor are they meant to pinpoint all the intricate details one might wish to have knowledge of regarding the Passion of Our Lord...for the importance of each lesson lies not in the descriptive passage or dialogue, but in Our Lady's own meditations which follow each interior vision. These meditations are meant to strengthen us in our faith during this our exile - particularly in these end times when the Holy Catholic Church will be ripped apart by apostasy and schism...for Our Blessed Mother wants our faith to be as strong as an anchor. For our faith to be such, we must have the faith of a simple, little child." During Lent we bring these to you and ask the Holy Spirit to give all the enlightenment and discernment to learn and grow from these meditative lessons that all may persevere in the time of the Great Darkness which looms ever closer. For those who would like the complete works of "It is Consummated!, as well as the books on the Joyful Mysteries - "Come, Let us Adore Him", and the Glorious Mysteries - "My Lord and my God!", click on BOOKS.

Meditative Lesson 10:


part five

      O! My Little Ones, I have asked my littlest Hidden One to write much this day, for here you should spend many hours in prayer, meditation and contemplation.

      Every insult, every blow, every drop of blood, every outrage was done to my Divine Son. I alone saw all as I knelt in prayer, while My own soul was scourged and around it the thorns formed a cruel crown that pierced me through.

      Dear children, behold your Savior, Who had endured more than any man, and who yet had must to endure.

      Learn from Him that it is obedience to the Divine Will which wrought your redemption. Divine Love offered Itself to Divine Love to repair for each offense given by man from Adam and Eve, down to the last person on earth.

      Divine Love was so overflowing in Its desire to repair the damage done by men’s sins, and to form for all time an eternal bridge that reached from Heaven to Earth.

      That bridge was the obedience of the Son of God in all things to the Divine Will. Love suffered willingly to make amends to Divine Justice, which is perfect.

      By all that my Son endured He gave you His merits that henceforth by your union with Him you might overcome all temptations and no longer offend the Divine Will by the sins of the flesh, the sins of thought, word, deed, omission. The sins you permit with your senses, and the sins you commit by your laziness.

      Dear little children, Jesus has suffered all for you and when men learn to live as He lived, then shall my Heart triumph.

      Please contemplate this part of my Divine Son’s Passion. Each piece of Divine Flesh that was ripped from His Sacred Body was to rip from you all lust and carnal desires. His muteness in the face of such agony was to seal your lips against the least uncharitable word. The silence of His Being was to prevent your senses from sinning against God’s perfect order in all of creation.

      The thorns which pierced into His Holy Brain were to keep from your minds any evil thought, and the binding of His Hands was to keep you from acting upon any unholy thought. His Sacred Eyes, swollen and blood-filled, were to keep your eyes from the evils of the world and only upon Him, the Spotless Lamb, the Savior.

      Each of you was a lash, a scourge, a biting of bone against bone. Each of you was a thorn, an insult, a rebuff. Each of you was there, my children, and for all who would believe and accept my Divine Son, and follow His way of the Cross, each was washed by a single drop of His Sacred Blood until you have been purified and tested in your own Calvary!

      Little children, do penance. Fast. Make endless sacrifices and learn to pray from your hearts. For the world has reached Calvary. It suffers already its scourging. Will you be the ones who propel the whip, implant the thorns? Or, by your humility and obedience will you cause the lashes to lessen? Will there be one less thorn?

      O! How I wept because of my Divine Son’s great agony and I, His Mother, could not even be near Him. My Divine Son and I are with you and you will not lack faith nor fail in courage if you are one with my Son in His Passion. O! I love you. I bless you. I intercede for you. Join me, Little Ones, and pray! Pray! Pray!