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    Week of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Monday-Sunday                       June 3-9, 2002                       volume 13, no. 102
    Latest news updated daily
    With the Feast of the Sacred Heart this Friday, we are making the entire issue available all this week. Next Monday, as we do every year, we will be putting on line our Early Summer Hiatus Issue to carry us to Monday, July 1st. This also will give the reader an opportunity to catch up on unread material in archives.

     Catholic PewPOINT
    This week editor Michael Cain presents facts that, for reasons that need to be addressed, the United States Bishops are afraid to acknowledge, afraid to recognize Catholic truth. He doesn't hold out much hope for any definitive decisions to be made in Dallas next week, mainly because of the sorry track record of the USCCB, and before that NCCB. With the concerted cover-up to deny the definite sodomite link to the pedophilia - as in homopederasty - the obvious question must be asked of this seemingly lavendar hierarchy, such as how much influence does NAMBLA and the gay lobby have over the USCCB? How deep does the scandal go? What is buried beneath the quicksand of deceit? And how much hush money has been paid out in bad faith? What recourse do the faithful have in assuring that their contributions do not go to greedy gay grifters? These are some of the questions he addresses in his editorial The Sum of All Fraud!
      The Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart
    For Friday's Feast of the Sacred Heart, we continue the excellent work by Father Joseph McDonnell, S.J. first written during the Pontificate of Pope Saint Pius X and which, now out of print, Catholic Family News has given us permission to reprint following their publishing of it. It is a beautiful meditation and commentary that should encourage more devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as we continue with Part Twelve - The Meditation on the Sixth Promise. For content thus far, see Promises of the Sacred Heart
     Echoes of True Catholicism
    This week Dr. Marian Therese Horvat takes some time out to sit by the seaside and meditate on the marvelous, mysterious nature of God which she describes in the imagery of the rolling, ebbing waves that continuously lap the shores. She points out that the combers of passions can be tamed only if we catch that first ripple through prayer and condition ourselves in virtuous living. Otherwise, these small swells will turn into whirling whitecaps of tolerance that open the floodgates of troubling and behavorial undercurrents. Dr. Marian explains in her column Temperance: The Lesson of the Waves.
     Traditional Insights
    Mario Derksen continues his series on the The Humanism of John Paul II with his 9th installment in which he continues to explain the true Catholic stance on the Death Penalty and how it has been locked up these days by the constant post-conciliarist preaching against it without realizing what the Church really says. In incarcerating the truths they greatly cloud what has been determined by Catholic doctrine that Justice needs to be met, reparation made. Satisfation must be completed for sin. Depending on the severity of the crime, official Church teaching acknowledges the deterrent of capital punishment, despite the politically correct rhetoric coming out of Modern Rome. Mario reinforces this truth in On Death and Life (II).
      Doctors of the Church
    This week's Doctor of the Church studied under one of Greece's famed orators and ultimately became one of the greatest orators laboring for Christ and His Church. He was duly recognized by Pope St. Pius X as Patron of Preachers. Like the other Doctors of the fourth and fifth century, he combatted the damaging heresy of Arianism and was harassed for his orthodoxy. Like last week's Doctor Saint Jerome, he employed the wealth of his family to further his own stuides before turning his talents to bring souls to Our Lord. This masterful Doctor, the "Golden-throated Orator" who we feature as the ninth on the chronological list is Saint John Chrysostom
     On the BattleLine
    This week Atila Sinke Guimarães brings the reader a Bird's Eye View of the spiritual decay of western culture as he gages the barometer of religious activities in Europe and America, showing how the deadly germs of modernism are causing a wider-spread virus that, despite the progressivists' ecumenical bent, is eroding because of the bitter fruits of Vatican II as he points out in his column From Europe and the Americas.
     Shears and Tears of a Lamb
    Catharine Lamb shows how the lack of respect for the absolutes and disciplines of the Faith have translated to how many Catholics dress for Mass, dismissing the rituals that sustained Holy Mother Church for 2000 years in favor of a more relaxed attitude that has only led to a further erosion of respect for the Blessed Sacrament and the Mystery of the Holy Sacrifice. Lex orandi, lex credendi has definitely manifested itself in the post-conciliar Church as blue-jeans, sweat-shirts and cut-offs have supplanted congregants' Sunday best. Contrary to what so many think today, it really does matter as Catharine points out in her column The Right of Ritual.
     Exspectans exspectavimus Ecclesia Dei
    Bishop Richard Williamson points to the systemic scandal of homopederasty and the continued cover-up as another tragic effect of the dummifying of the Mass in the Novus Ordo. He emphasizes that sacrifice is at the heart of the priest, and when his sacrifice is taken away so is his heart. In the same manner when the Mass is reduced to a mere meal and commemoration, then the priest is reduced to a mere presider rather than an alter Christus as His Excellency relates in The Newchurch Against Nature .
     "Feed My sheep"
    Dr. Edward Ciaccio continues his scrutiny of sects, this week focusing on a very controversial one which has one member on the edge of canonization and another behind bars for treason. How high does the power and influence of Opus Dei go both in the ecclesial and civic ranks? Many consider Opus Dei the equivalence of 'Catholic Masons' because of how closely it parallels the same tactics and methods as Freemasons in promoting their own. Many are questioning the quick elevation of Father Josemaría Escrivá and whether his canonization has been bought. Is it the equivalent of modern simony? And what really is the motivation of Opus Dei. Does convicted spy Robert Hanssen justify the critics of Opus Dei who claim because of their autonomy that they can do practically anything they want? Tough questions that Dr. Ed tries to assuage in the most respectful, but firm manner as you can see in his column Opus Dei, Josemaría Escrivá, and Robert Hanssen - A Study.
     Christ or chaos
    Dr. Thomas Droleskey continues his popular series on G.I.R.M. Warfare when he analyzes paragraphs 104 and 105 in stressing one of the nagging problems with the Novus Ordo today where everybody has to be a minister of some kind or another. Tom points out what a wise seminary professor said over twenty years ago that "if everything is a ministry, than nothing is ministry." This indeed is the case today when ushers and sacristans, instead of just performing a service in preparation for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass have become part of the problem because of their unnecessary emphasis in liturgical functions. Tom explains in his 49th installment, "Grin and Bear it?"
     Simply Sheen
    This week we bring you an essay by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen on reparation - specifically the reparation for sin by nations, and in particular the United States. He shares what President Abraham Lincoln had to say about our responsibility as a nation before God and how as a nation we must make reparation for the sins of a nation or suffer the consequences. Bishop Sheen points this out in Why God permits punishment for nations.
     The Great Sacrilege
    Father James F. Wathen, O.S.J. has granted permission to publish his entire work which was first published by Tan Books in 1972, and which we urge you to read for everything he wrote back then is backed by the solid depositum fidei - the Sacred Deposit of the Faith and still holds true. It takes up where the Ottaviani Intervention left off as you'll see in this week's issue when Father focuses on Chapter Six with Part One of The Burden, focusing on the Burden of Priests, which is, perhaps one of the most poignant chapters of the book. For the full series to date, see Chapters
     Pro Life Prescriptions
    This week Dr. Frank Joseph delves into how the horrible terrorism of the womb is allowed to flourish because of the cover-up of the obvious link to breast cancer and the ramrodding of lobbyists from Planned Barrenhood to pass partial birth abortion initiatives. The reason this has been allowed to continue unabated is because of the selfishness of women who have had an abortion and their attitude that if they've suffered, then others should suffer as well. This has only compounded the problem which Dr. Frank points out in Here's the Problem.
     White Smoke, Black Fire!
    We conclude chapter seven with the eighth episode in Part III - "The Shadowing." Despite caution, Pat walks into the trap set by the Legion of the Basilisk in a Roman alley off the Via Magdalena. The consequences are disastrous for Karel and possibly Gallagher himself as hell rages against him in the climax of Episode Eight.
     Appreciating the Precious Gift of our Faith
    We continue our catechesis on the Sacrament of Penance with the means to purging our souls of both mortal and venial sins. That tool is the sacramental confession, created for us that we might confess our sins, do penance and amend our life. By admitting our faults to Christ through His representatives on earth - the alter Christus the priest, we can be assured of forgiveness if we make a firm purpose of amendment and make proper reparation for our sins as explained in Satisfaction for Sin.
     The Fatima FILE
    This week we complete a chronological account of the cover-up by Modern Rome as documented by Father Paul Kramer and brought to you through the good graces and permission of John Vennari, editor of Catholic Family News. In his conclusion, Fr. Kramer answers the question "Where do we stand?" in part six of Chronology of a Cover-Up.
    Vignettes of La Salette
         "God will strike in an unprecedented way. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God will exhaust His wrath upon them, and no one will be able to escape so many afflictions together. The chiefs, the leaders of the people of God have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has bedimmed their intelligence. They have become wandering stars which the old devil will drag along with his tail to make them perish. God will allow the old serpent to cause divisions among those who reign in every society and in every family. Physical and moral agonies will be suffered."

      In each issue we will feature a special prayer to enhance your Catholic devotions
    Prayer for the Feast of the Sacred Heart

      O God, Who in the Heart of Thy Son, wounded by our transgressions, dost mercifully vouchsafe to bestow upon us the infinite wealth of Thy love; grant, we beseech Thee, that revering it with meet devotion, we may make worthy reparation for our sins. Through the same Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.

      From the Collect for the Feast of the Sacred Heart

    The Rosary of Mary is our most powerful weapon. See Holy Rosary to recite the full Rosary in either English or Latin. For prayers posted thus far, see Devotions and Reflections


    MONDAY, June 3:
    Historical Feast of Saint Clotilde, Widow and Queen of France who died in 545. In the new, the feast of the African martyrs Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions who were slain in 1887.

    TUESDAY, June 4:
    Traditional Feast of Saint Francis Caracciolo, Confessor who died in 1608.

    WEDNESDAY, June 5:
    Feast of Saint Boniface, Bishop and "Apostle of Germany" who was martyred in 755.

    THURSDAY, June 6:
    Feast of Saint Norbert, Bishop who died in 1134.

    FRIDAY, June 7:
    Also the historical feast of Saint Robert of Newminster, Abbot who died in 1159.

    SATURDAY, June 8:
    Traditional Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces. In the new, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Historical feast of Saints Medard and Gildard, both Bishops, both twin brothers, both died in 560.

    SUNDAY, June 2:
    Traditionally the Third Sunday after Pentecost in the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Traditional feast of Saints Primus and Felician, who were both martyred in 297. In the new, the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time and the feast of Saint Ephrem of Syria, Deacon and Doctor of the Church who died 373. Historical feast of Saint Columbkille, Abbot who died in 597. For reflections on the Sunday Liturgy, see Fr. Cusick's reflections

      Next Week we go on Early Summer Hiatus with the next issue after that: Monday, July 1st.

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    Monday-Sunday, June 3-9, 2002
    volume 13, no. 102
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