We honor fathers and a very special Mother this week

June 21

June 22

June 23

June 24

June 25

June 26

June 27

Click dates above to go to that day, or click below for specific items in this edition

         Where there is Peter, there is the True Church
       Finding the lost sheep cast adrift in a sea of apostasy
       Urgent plea to help the DailyCatholic stay afloat

      Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help this week
      Glorious Rosary Reflections
      Haydock Commentary: Fishers of Souls provided by John Gregory

      The Grace of God by Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
        St. Aloysius Gonzaga
        Symbolic Meaning of miraculous Icon
       Cardinal Rule on the Moral Virtues

      Man's Fallen Human Nature
     Sure-fire Way to Hell
     Prepare A Perfect People by Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt
     Seven Deadly Sins: 7 Ways to Lose One's Soul

        St. William the Abbot by Bishop Daniel Dolan
        Good and Evil Spirits
        The 15 Saturdays Rosary Crusade
         Congratulations to Religous taking vows

      Traditional in-depth commentary from reliable sedevacantist sites on the latest atrocity released from Modernist Rome with the Marxist decree Laudato Si'

Plus the following regular devotions, features, updates, and trusted links:

      The Fatima Prayers
        Fifteen Decades of the Holy Rosary in English, Latin & Spanish
           Meaning of the Holy Mass and the Golden Chalice

         Spiritual Communion and the Silver Chalice
       Examination of Conscience
      Consecration & Enthronement in the Home
       Traditional Catholic Sermons

         Latest from Introibo Ad Altare Dei
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         What the True Church really teaches
     Why the V2 CONciLIAR church is NOT Catholic
    Videos on state of the Church Today
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   This week we celebrate Father's Day and wouldn't we like to believe that we have a Holy Father in Rome to guide us. We'd like to believe that, but since October 9, 1958 the only Holy Fathers guiding us through the triregno charge of to teach, rule and sanctify are the ones, who over nearly 2000 years, are no longer with us physically yet comprise the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the one True Church - the only Church instituted by Jesus Christ. No other Church can make that claim for all others are man-made creations who may say "Lord, Lord" but He will say "I know you not". Such is the case with those wolves in shepherds' clothing who usurped the papal throne over the past fifty plus years as each CONciLIAR successor has been worse than his predecessor with the very worst, if that is even imaginable, being the present imposter in Rome Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Francis, whom we deride and ridicule because we are true to counsel of the holy Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales whose words you can see here in the graphic. If those in the Recognize-and-Resist camp, as well as those trapped in the climes of the abominable Novus Ordo, can't see the trees through the forest this week, then there is little hope. We refer to the latest atrocity to be released by the apostate liberal Bergoglio titled Laudato Sii. You'll note that it is translated in eight languages as NovusOrdoWatch points out, but missing is the Mother Tongue of the Church - a Latin translation of Laudetur or Laus Tibi Domine. Either title is a far reach for the Latin-hating promoter of liberation theology. But should we be surprised? No! Because Laudato Sii solidifies our contention to the world that unFrancis is, has been and always will be an avowed Marxist and therefore a heretic long, long before he ever received the counterfeit robes of purple, scarlet and now white or whatever color this chameleon charlatan dons in posing as the champion of the green movement which, in truth, is colored red as in Communism. It is truly tragic what has happened to the image and structure of the Church due to the infiltration of Communists, Freemasons, and others out to destroy the one, true Church throughout the 20th Century. Never forget the vision of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII in which he was gifted to see the "deal" between God and the devil that the prince of darkness had a century or so to do what he would or could and he's been a busy horn-head during this time. Also, remember Our Lady's words at La Salette that "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the antichrist." We know Rome has lost the Faith. With Jorge in charge of the false CONciLIAR church, there are several signs that he could be the antichrist. If not the main one, definitely a precursor to the last antichrist.

    As mentioned earlier, we can't fathom what has happened to our beloved Church, now in eclipse for the past half a century, but we also know how it will end and we can see the end in sight for the inerrant scriptures tell us this false church is the "church of Babylon" in St. John's Book of the Apocalypse in chapters 17 and 18, not to mention St. Paul's words in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-11 where God would allow man to "believe a lie" which is what He is doing in testing man's faith. So far the vast majority have flunked miserably and they weren't even using Common Core! Those who have buried their heads in the sand and ignore what is going on in Christ's holy Church, well they have Apocalypse 3: 15-16 to warn them if they continue to remain lukewarm. A few reliable sources who are definitely not lukewarm are the following sites we highly recommend to keep abreast of events as fast as they are spinning out of control along with the causes and consequences. This is especially important right now in the aftermath of the horrific secular 'encyclical' on global warming. What so many forget is what is happening today is NOT global warming, but rather a global WARNING from God. Thus we confidently point you to NovusOrdoWatch.org and Christorchaos.com for articles and links, as well as these blogs worth your while, Introibo Ad Altare Dei, Fr. Anthony Cekada's Quidlibet, Bishop Donald Sanborn's In Veritate, and the satirical, but on-point Call Me Jorge. We also point you to Traditio which, although the Father Moderators will not admit the term "sedevacantism", 95% of what they provide reinforces this position. Note, we provide here those sites that carry almost daily coverage and in no way demean other sites that update more infreqently. For those sites, please see Traditional Catholic Resource Port.

    What is going on today is a far cry from the message of the Gospel for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost where Jesus implores His apostles to be "fishers of men." That charge was not just to twelve men but to every living Catholic and the true hierarchy throughout all time to be part of the Barque of Peter. Naturally, by their inaction and antithesis against conversion, those in the CONciLIAR church long ago abdicated any authority from Heaven, and have castaway into the deep without a compass or rudder. Peter is nowhere near them nor is the Holy Ghost. They are left to their own devices to navigate and we can only pray they find their way back to the true ship. However, from their actions, it's time for Catholics programmed in the Modernist counterfeit church of CONciLIARism to bale and swim as fast as they can back to the salvific ark that is the true Roman Catholic Church. Anyone doubting that needs to read last week's commentary on the Lost Sheep.

   Thankfully, there is a way for the lost sheep to find help and that is by entreating Heaven and the greatest ambassador there is to Christ, His Immaculate Mother Mary. This entire week we continue our Novena of the beautiful, meaningful Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help in preparation for Our Lady's Feast this coming Saturday when we also begin the first of 15 Saturdays Rosary Crusade established several years ago by His Excellency Bishop Robert McKenna, O.P. Outside of Jesus Himself, there is no better guide to seek help and consolation than His holy Mother. The miraculous icon with it's symbolic art resides in the church of San Alfonzo in Rome. Turn to Our Lady who asks that, as members of the Church Militant, we do all we can to help the lost sheep. All she asks is that we try. She will do the rest! St. John the Baptist, whose first-class nativity we celebrate on Wednesday, lept in the womb of his mother Elizabeth at the visitation of Mary for even as a fetus he realized his mother's cousin was the tabernacle of the Son of God. Because of that, John was born without original sin on his soul, and therefore, authorized to baptize. Those baptized, until Christ descended into Limbo after His crucifixion, escaped the Bosom of Abraham and, if still in the state of grace, most likely entered the heavenly realm at the early stage when Heaven was basically empty of saints, save for the angels.

    In respect to asking for help. We have no other choice. A paragraph before we were noting the nautical theme. As you know, this long-running publication has always used that analogy for this publication in inviting all to "set sail with DailyCatholic.org" We can confidently say, without a shadow of a doubt for all the years we've been publishing on-line, that we've never steered one soul wrong in all we've published. For our content has been in 100% accord with the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church firmly aboard the true Barque of Peter. Speaking of vessels, over the last year we've been taking on water even in a drought year, no less, due to a bilge of bills. To stay afloat we need to turn to you our readers. It has been over a year since this editor made a plea for funds. Prior to that my beloved late bride Cyndi would write a heartfelt plea and benefactors would respond generously. With her gone, I'm not too good at asking for money, but purveyors need to be paid so necessity is the mother of invention and I have to ask. Speaking of mothers and Cyndi, it was Henry Ward Beecher who said "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." I can confidently say before God I loved their mother dearly and dearly hope that what we imparted as parents will sustain them in this chaotic world where the secular demons of the world, the flesh and the devil have eclipsed Christ's holy Church, chasing the faithful remnant into the catacombs of sedevacantist churches and chapels. That is where we are today, isolated, if you will, from the vast majority because of our belief in the true Faith. But belief alone, as strong as it is, isn't, unfortunantely, strong enough to move mountains or meet expenditures that continue to increase as the economy teeters. Therefore, I need to raise $5,000.00 for this apostolate to continue as it has been. I set that amount for we have always budgeted $25,000. a year in donations and to date since January the total is $7,000. and we're almost half-way through the year. Hopefully you can more readily see the deficit and why the DailyCatholic's plight is nearing a crisis point. I would hope and pray you will see in your heart the compassion to help and we remind you with the graphic below, repeated each day. We remind you we are a bonafide 501c3 non-profit so any and all contributions are tax-deductible. I also remind you that this editor does not take one penny in salary. It remains a labor of love. Now I just ask for a little love from our readers by clicking the graphic below to take you to our Donation page. Thank you in advance.


The liturgy inspires us with confidence in God in the midst of the struggles, sufferings and calamities of this life. In today's Gospel Jesus shows that the true doctrine is preached only from that Church of which Peter is the head, (St. John 21: 15.) which is here represented by his ship. Amid storms of persecution Jesus has preserved His ship and He will preserve this infrangible mystical vessel, His Church, until the end of time. (St. Matthew 16: 18). Peter still guides the bark in the unbroken line of his successors, and Jesus still teaches from this ship the same doctrine through the true bishops and priests, as His ...More

There is a commemoration of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga was like a white and fragrant lily in his virgin purity, transplanted by God from the luxurious and sensual Court of Madrid to the chosen garden of St. Ignatius Loyola at Rome. The whole life of Aloysius breathes forth sanctity and purity; his Baptism, which was administered at the very moment of his birth, his First Communion at the hands of St. Charles Borromeo; his reception into the Society of Jesus by Claudio Acquaviva, the spiritual direction given to him at the Collegio Romano by St. Robert Bellarmine; his severe penances, and, lastly, his holy death as a victim of charity ...More

John Gregory provides the commentary for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost which offiially begins the "Green" season in reference to the vestments throughout the Time after Pentecost. Father George Leo Haydock became famous for compiling the Fathers' and Doctors' discernment and incorporating it into the Douay-Rheims version of the New Testament. For this Sunday the theme is that we will groan in and struggle in pain within ourselves while waiting for redemption as St. Paul relates in today's Epistle and in the Gospel those creatures swimming in the sea of fallen human nature in this world can only be rescued through the grace of God via those whom He has sent to reel in souls as fishers of men. Fishers of Souls

Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you a nearly 16-minute sermon given four years ago by Father Benedict Hughes, CMRI, Rector of St. Joseph Seminary at the City of Mary in Rathdrum, Idaho. Father points out how Jesus, pressed by the crowds got into a boat - Peter's boat - the Barque of Peter. Father explains what true Roman Catholics must believe and follow in aligning with the true Popes down throught the ages. We must reject all new religions including the false CONciLIAR church posing as Catholic. All other religions/churches are man-made and falls into error because they have not the protection of God. Father notes that we have no right to listen or accept error. We must be on guard that we do not jeopardize our faith and morals by turning to the world for truth. It is not there. We must remain united to Peter and by doing so, we are united to Christ, Who proved to Peter and all others that you don't doubt the Son of God for with Him all things are possible; without him our pride shipwrecks us. We will stay afloat only by The Grace of God

We continue the Novena of Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help begun this past Friday in anticipation of Our Lady's feast the end of this week. In many traditional parishes it is said each Tuesday of the week. This devotion, attributed to the miraculous events of the famous icon of Our Lady and Christ Child from the 14th Century on that was preserved despite the doubts of its miraculous nature by those charged with taking care of it. It wasn't until 1866 that Pope Pius IX solemnly enshrined it in the church of San Alfonso (St. Alphonsus Liguori) between the Basilicas of the Lateran and St. Mary Major in Rome as Our Lady had originally requested. The icon is unique for it's symbolism as you can see with Understanding the Icon's symbols. For the beautiful devotion see Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

St. Paulinus was Bishop of Nola in Southern Italy. So great was his charity that he sold himself into slavery in order to ransom the son of a poor widow, who had been carried off by the Vandals of Africa. He was afterward set free, ...More

While the theological virtues focus on God, the moral virtues focus on man's role in God's plan. The foundation of this are the Four Cardinal Virtues on which are built the other moral virtues. Sadly, today those moral virtues are sorely lacking as society has unabashedly accepted immorality. Once satan infiltrated the Church and took down the safeguards, it was easy for the devil to manipulate man into accepting whatever agenda he wanted to foist down our soulful throats from planting a false church to ape the True Church to poisoning generations with "anything goes". That included every sin of the flesh possible, something Our Lady warned against at Fatima. Today immorality rules the roost for evil is considered politically correct and virtue is looked upon as intolerance. Hate speech is anything that would hinder one from sinning. Lost is the foundation for treating one another in the image and likeness of God. In order to conquer vice we must uphold the virtues for only the virtuous will possess the kingdom of God as we can see in step 12, The Cardinal Rule.

The Archangel Gabriel announced that Elizabeth would have a son. Saint John the Baptist came to prepare the ways of the Lord. In Rome the devotion to St. John centers around the Lateran Basilica where Pope Hilary had erected two oratories ...More

    It does no good to blame Adam and Eve because that's past history and the one we can really thank is the Second Adam - Jesus Christ for it is through His merits by His death and resurrection that we gain the opportunity for everlasting life as the Catechism has always taught n why we strive to stay in the state of grace received first at baptism to rid our souls of Original Sin. However, contrary to Protestant thinking, everything we do following baptism we are responsible for and must answer to God for, due to man's penchant for bad, we are not perfect and must work hard to avoid actual and venial sins and be sure we never commit a mortal sin. The latter will be covered next week, but for this week we focus on Original and Actual sins for, by God's design of free will we are grist for the world, the flesh and the devil unless we remember why we were baptized and obey God in all things great and small, because the small sins, though venial, still greatly offend the One Who gave us life. In step thirteen of this series we deal with the why of Man's Fallen Human Nature

The Precursor of Christ was filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother's womb. After an austere life as a hermit, he announced the Advent of Christ, preached penitence, and baptized in the Jordan. He was beheaded during the reign of Herod. The day of the death of other saints is kept as their feast, and in the case of St. John the Baptist the day of his birth is celebrated, as having taken place amidst the outpouring of the gifts of the Paraclete. The feast is is celebrated with great liturgical splendor, the stational Mass was celebrated In the Basilica of the Saviour. The grandeur of early devotion to the Baptist need cause no one to wonder, if we realize the eminent position which St. John holds In the history of the Incarnation. His seal of canonization is seen in the eulogy addressed to him by the Word ...More

    The path to perdition is wide and paved with good intentions. If one were to realize how ugly sin is, they'd never sin. However, the devil is crafty and devious and so he seeks to twist everything, trying to portray sin as allowable and something that is no big deal. Did he not try the same in the Garden of Eden? Why would he change strategy since? Sadly, in these very times when the Great Apostasy is so prevalent, lucifer has been able to make so many things sacrilegious and blasphemous today amidst an apathetic society that fails to take heed of God's Laws and the consequences of sin. Because of that the vast majority have disregarded St. Paul's stern warning in 2 Thessalonians 2: 10 and bought into the "operation of error" and "consented to iniquity." They have rationalized their consciences into thinking God is an all-loving while totally missing the point that the Omniscient One is also equally all-just and He will judge each and every soul both in our particular judgment and the final judgment. As most go about their lives stubbornly clinging to their own wills and rejecting God's will, they're oblivious to the fact that one can never enter Heaven in the state of mortal sin. Without putting on the armor of God and being in the state of sanctifying grace, we are puddy in the devil's hands and dead meat. Literally! In step fourteen of this series we treat Mortal Sin and the Occasions of this deadly sin and something we must avoid or else it will be the Sure-fire Way to Hell

Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you a twenty-three-minute sermon given three years ago on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist by Father Kevin Vaillancourt, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Traditional Catholic parish in Spokane, Washington. Father reminds us how important this feast is since only three nativities are celebrated, Our Lord's on Christmas, Mary's on September 8 and St. John the Baptist today for he, like us was conceived in sin, but was born without Original Sin as the Gospel of Luke tells us for he lept in his mother Elizabeth's womb and was the first to be baptized in the womb, if you will, for God had great plans for this holy man. The Baptist is mentioned several times throughout the Mass for he has "an integral part in everything regarding the mysteries of our redemption" because his mission from God was to Prepare A Perfect People

Saint William was born of noble parents in the year 1085 in Vercelli, Italy. But as an infant he was orphaned and raised by relatives. At 14 years old, he made a pilgrimage to Compostela, in Galicia Spain, a pilgrimage he made barefoot. He was at Mefi in 1106 and spent two years as a hermit on Monte Solicoli. After abandoning a pilgrimage to Jerusalem when he was attacked by robbers, he decided to become a hermit on Monte Virgiliano (Vergine). One source notes that, shortly after his decision, he healed a blind man, a miracle that brought him instant notoriety. Because of his humility, he did not want to accept the people's praise and admiration so he decided that he would he would live as a hermit on this high mountain. Even there, however, people gathered around him and so he decided to organize them into a community and build a monastery dedicated to ...More

    The devil is great at scrabbling the path to Heaven with the roadblocks of anger, sloth, pride, lust, envy, greed and gluttony. They are called the Seven Deadly Sins or Capital Sins and not to capitalize on the corresponding virtues that stave off temptation to these sins is a sure way to lose the game of life, with the penalty being everlasting perdition. Because satan is so crafty and knows it would not be alluring if he showed sin for all its ugliness, he dresses it up to look inviting. Man in his fallen human nature is the perfect foil for the fallen angel who is the master of deceit. If we are not aware of the consequences we can easily be lured away, confused, even bewitched and bewildered. Those seven sins are the chief reason hell is so populated today. Do you really want to help the prince of darkness add to the numbers or do you want to love your fellow man enough to want salvation for him and do all in your power to know the Faith in order to keep the Faith and share that Faith with others by letting them know, as laid out in Step Fifteen, the Seven Ways to Lose One's Soul

Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you a seven-minute sermon given five years ago by Bishop Daniel Dolan, pastor of St. Gertrude the Great in Cincinnati, Ohio. His excellency's words on St. William of Vercelli, who, like St. John the Baptist, was a penitential loner during the 12th century who then went forth to preach the Faith to the masses while also founding a monastery and working miracles. Like the Baptist he was fearless for William knew no fear with God on his side. He converted kings and scaled mountains to establish the Benedictine Monastery of Monte Virgine in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary near where the Latin writer Virgil wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey. The Bishop reminds us that we never know how divine Providence will work if we are open to God's holy will just as did St. William the Abbot

Saints John and Paul were Roman soldiers who were Christians as well. They were martyred at Rome on 26 June. The year of their martyrdom is uncertain according to their Acts, it occurred under Julian the Apostate (361-3). In the second half of the fourth century, Byzantius, the Roman senator, and Pammachius, his son, fashioned their house on the ...More

Over the last few steps we've been dealing with how the devil is so devious, and in step sixteen we treat the origins of these spirits who all started out as good angels, bestowed by their Creator with anything anyone would ever want. Yet, pride played a role in lucifer's revolt and the rest, as they say, is history. It is the oldest story in the world, yay, even before the world, and it makes one's decision in life very simple. It's either obey God and His Laws, which include adhering to the truths and traditions handed down by Christ and His Apostles through the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church He established on earth, or face the consequences of those who choose to go it their own way, a way that leads straight to the gates of hell. It is either enjoying the company of the angels in Heaven forever and ever - per omnia saecula saeculorum - or realizing one must abandon all hope, all ye who enter here (hell) - omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes. Hell is so very, very final and Christ shows us how to avoid the lasting agony of eternal damnation, but only if we are willing to obey His holy Will. It's our choice in choosing sides as we see in Step Sixteen, Good and Evil Spirits

Today is the Traditional Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help which can be said in place of the Feria Mass provided a commemoration of the previous Sunday's Collect, Secret and Postcommunion are said. In the thirteenth century, a beautiful picture of Our Lady holding the Child Jesus, with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel on either side of her, was painted in the East. In the fifteenth century, this picture was brought from the Island of Crete and was taken to Rome. It was placed in the Church of Saint Matthew in Rome. There, for three hundred years, pilgrims came to reverence and pray before this holy picture, because everyone loved its simplicity, its beauty and its truth. After the French Revolution, when the vicious Napoleon desecrated thirty Catholic Churches in Rome, this precious picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help was hidden away, but it was rediscovered in 1862. It was then placed in the Church of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, founder of the Redemptorist Order, in Rome, where it is now kept. The purpose of this lovely picture is by way of simple and innocent symbol to teach us that Our Lady is our help in all things, and our help at all times. Many Catholic churches in all countries are called by the name, Our Mother of Perpetual Help. See today's Mass Gaudeamus omnes

Today is the feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help as we conclude the Novena of Devotions to her under that title. In many traditional parishes this inspiring devotion is said each Tuesday of the week. This devotion, attributed to the miraculous events of the famous icon of Our Lady and Christ Child from the 14th Century on that was preserved despite the doubts of its miraculous nature by those charged with taking care of it. It wasn't until 1866 that Pope Pius IX solemnly enshrined it in the church of San Alfonso (St. Alphonsus Liguori) between the Basilicas of the Lateran and St. Mary Major in Rome as Our Lady had originally requested. The icon is unique for it's symbolism as you can see with Understanding the Icon's symbols. For the beautiful devotion see Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Today we begin the Fifteen Saturday's Rosary Crusade leading up to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary in October. This inspiring and fruitful endeavor was first begun several years ago by His Excellency Bishop Robert McKenna, O.P., on the feast of the holy Apostles Saints Peter and Paul since our prayer is to preserve the Petrine Primacy which has been usurped since October 9, 1958. Much more has been usurped since then as is laid out in this crusade that is so crucial to the salvation of souls. We have available to us the most powerful weapon Heaven could afford us, one that all can use and yet so few use it. That's like sending an army to the front lines with high-powered rifles and other artillery, but not loading the ammo. Doesn't make sense. Neither does holstering our Rosaries when we could be firing intercessory bullets to Heaven to save souls. If we don't do it, who will? We may feel like Peter and want to flee our responsibility, or like Paul who had to be knocked from his horse before he saw the light. What will it take for this hard-hearted generation? It's time to rouse the troops and lock and load. Thus today we begin this annual Crusade with the intention of a profound humility, unlike the false humility a certain proponent of Liberation Theology exhibits while he further destroys whatever semblance of Catholicity is left. See First Saturday of the Fifteen Saturday Rosary Crusade

We join all our readers in once again extending our annual heartfelt congratulations to some special CMRI nuns for whom today is very special. His Excellency Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI is celebrating an 8 a.m. Pontifical High Mass where Sister Madeleine Marie will take her Final Profession of Vows with Sister Mary Cabrini taking her Triennial Vows while professing their First Year Vows are Sr. Mary Teresita and Sister Mary Angela. Miss Sunmee Wee, formerly a parishioner of Our Lady of Fatima parish in San Diego, has given up her career to enter the Novitiate at the Mother House of Mt. St. Michael's in Spokane, Washington. For more, see CMRI

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       As much as we hate to beg, we have no choice. If you have benefited in anyway from what we have published, we humbly ask your help to keep this publication on line. We know that so many of our readers are unable to assist at a true traditional Latin Mass because of where they live and use the daily liturgy we publish to gain the efficacious graces possible through their prayers at home. We remain the only publication in the world to provide such and are grateful to God that we can provide such nourishment for souls. If you have not donated before, isn't it only right and proper to donate now? Whatever you can afford will be greatly appreciated. Just click the button below or send a check/money order to the address below. We are a bonafide non-profit 501c(3) religious association and all donations are tax-deductible. Whatever you would have contributed toward any bloated political campaigns or thrown away in the conciliar collection plates that only goes to covering up the sins of its presbyters and false primates while destroying all semblence of Catholicism, why not earmark it for SANCTUS/DailyCatholic? After all, shouldn't we all take St. Paul's strong counsel in 2 Thessalonians 2: 14 to heart and "stand firm, and hold the traditions which you have learned"?

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To fortify why the CONciLIAR church is the false church, see key Papal Decrees that preceded it in pre-Vatican Two times by true Popes who solidly condemned the V2 false 'popes' who have spit in Heaven's Face. God will not be mocked. See for yourself what the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church has decreed:

  • Papal Coronation Oath Pope Agatho
  • Unam Sanctam Pope Boniface VIII
  • Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio Pope Paul IV
  • Quo Primum Pope St. Pius V
  • De Defectibus Pope St. Pius V
  • Satis Cognitum Pope Leo XIII
  • Apostolicae Curae Pope Leo XIII
  • Lamentabili Sane Pope St. Pius X
  • Pascendi Dominici Gregis Pope St. Pius X
  • Oath Against Modernism Pope St. Pius X
  • Mortalium Animos Pope Pius XI
  • Humani Generis Pope Pius XII
  • Sacramentum Ordinis Pope Pius XII

    If the above Papal Decrees have not convinced you, then for more evidence that the Chair is VACANT and that Vatican Two and all that has followed is Anathema sit as St. Paul asserts in Galatians 1: 8-9, see these on-line books and sources:

  • Answering Objections of the Sedevacantist Position
  • John 23 - Anathema sit Fr. Louis Villa
  • NikitaRoncalli Franco Bellegrandi
  • The Robber Church Patrick Henry Omlor
  • Is the Pope Catholic? Hutton Gibson
  • Paul VI...Beatified? Fr. Louis Villa
  • The Enemy is Here - Vol. I Hutton Gibson
  • The Enemy is Still Here - Vol. II Hutton Gibson
  • The Enemy is Still Here - Vol. III
  • John Paul 2 - Anathema sit Fr. Luis Villa
  • Heresies of John Paul 2 Documented by previous True Popes & Scriptures
  • Fr. Sylvester Berry in 1921: "Satan will Persecute the Papacy" Novus Ordo Watch
  • Fr. Sylvester Berry warned in 1927: "Satan will set up a False Church Novus Ordo Watch
  • Syllogism of Sedevacantism Michael Cain
  • The Chair is Still Empty Gregorius
  • Sedevacantism: A Quick Primer Fr. Anthony Cekada
  • Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen in 1948: "Satan will set up a Counter-Church which will be the Ape of the Catholic Church" Novus Ordo Watch
  • Why Sedevacantism? Fr. Anthony Cekada and a plethora of other evidence provided by NovusOrdoWatch.org
  • What You Need To Know About Jorge Mario Bergoglio Novus Ordo Watch
  • Conspiracy! Meet Six High-Profile Traditional Catholic Conspiracy Nuts Novus Ordo Watch
  • Continuously Denying The Catholic Faith Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Trying to Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Compare and Contrast Plethora of links by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Freemasons and the Conciliar church by John Kenneth Weiskittel
  • Papacy and Freemasonry Msgr. Jouin
  • Francis' Heresy regarding the Jews Novus Ordo Watch
  • Francis' Heresy about Faith without Works Novus Ordo Watch
  • The "Bad Popes" Argument fails everytime Novus Ordo Watch
  • Pope Leo XIII Quashes Popular "Recognize-and-Resist" Position Novus Ordo Watch
  • Numerous Popes before V2 warned of the Freemason Plot against the Church Novus Ordo Watch
  • Is the question of the pope: "Just an opinion"? Bishop Donald Sanborn
  • Null and Void: Why "Pope" Francis is Not a Valid Priest and Not a Valid Bishop Novus Ordo Watch
  • The "Canonization" of John Paul II: Decision Time for Traditionalists Novus Ordo Watch

    by Mario Derksen

  • Secrets of LaSalette
  • Bishop Mark Pivarunas,CMRI on a true vocation
  • Bishop Donald Sanborn on The Pendulating Papacy
  • Fr. Julian Larrabee on Missions of Nigeria
  • Fr. Michael Oswalt on why he left the V2 to become a true priest
  • Bishop Donald Sanborn's 2013 London Conference on the SSPX
  • Fr. Anthony Cekada on invalidity of 1968 Episcopal Consecrations
  • Fr. Julian Larrabee with Mass for Immaculate Conception
  • Bishop Daniel Dolan's Sermon for the Immaculate Conception
  • End of Mass Recession as it should be
  • Benediction of the Most Blessed SAcrament
  • Bishop Williamson on Globalism in 2010
  • Bishop Williamson's 2009 interview - Part I
  • Bishop Williamson's 2009 interview - Part II
  • Bishop Williamson 2013 talk on division in the Church
  • Mass in the Vatican with Pope Pius XII (Italian)
  • Pastor Angelicus Pius XII (Italian)
  • Life of Pius XII (Italian)
  • Last Years of Pius XII (Italian)
  • The SSPX, "Resistance," and Sedevacantism Bishop Donald Sanborn
  • 'Pope' Francis and Sedevacantism Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI

    The links above and below provide almost daily updates. The two above can be trusted totally, while we urge a mild caution on the two below because of their refusal to admit Francis is a false pope.

    For other sites that provide the tenets of the Faith but are not daily, we refer you to

    Click Here

      We encourage you to learn more about the Traditional Latin Mass - the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in these videos at this link because each time you worthily assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in person, you gain graces that are placed in a "golden chalice", so to speak, and is offered to God to be weighed in substance when you stand before Him at your Particular Judgment. The more you have filled this chalice, the better will it go for your spiritual welfare in eternity, enhanced by your cooperation with grace. Know the Mass

    To assist all in striving toward holiness, click on the Confessional to your right to review your transgressions through a thorough Examination of Conscience

    When One Cannot physically assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we provide additional prayers that can be supplemented with the ORDINARY OF THE HOLY MASS and the PROPER OF THE DAY to enable you to better prepare yourself at home. Of course, this never replaces actually being there, but it is much better than attending the Novus Ordo services. Therefore we have gleaned from The Key of Heaven prayers to say at home. It is very comforting to know that the Holy Mass is offered for us even when we are not actually present. But to enjoy the benefits which it procures, we must by a SPIRITUAL COMMUNION become partakers of the altar from which we are temporarily banished. Here we provide prayers in preparation for fulfilling assistance in absentia in addition to the ORDINARY OF THE HOLY MASS and PROPER OF THE DAY. PRAYERS IN ABSENTIA

    Prayer Before the Crucifix

    Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst fix deep within my heart lively sentiments of Faith, Hope and Charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment, whilst with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds; having before my eyes the words which David in prophesy spoke concerning Thee, O Good Jesus: "They have pierced My hands and My feet; they have numbered all My bones."

    Plenary Indulgence, Condition:
    • Confession
    • Communion
    • One Our Father
    • One Hail Mary
    • One Glory be...
    Pope Pius IX, July 31, 1858

  • The Fatima Prayers

    My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee.
    (repeat the above 3 times then bow your head in reciting the following:)

        O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in unison with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

        O Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

        O my Jesus, it is for love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners.

    Pray for the Sick

    Pray for the Dearly Departed Souls
    Click image above

    The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.

    Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

    Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

    Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.

    Hail Mary...

    And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt among us.

    Hail Mary...

    Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

    Let us pray.
    Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.

    Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructis ventris tui, Jesus.

    Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

    Ecce ancilla Domini. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

    Ave Maria...

    Et Verbum caro factum est. Et habitavit in nobis.

    Ave Maria...

    Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

    Gratiam tuam, quaesumus Domine, mentibus nostris infunde: ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.