• L'Osservatore Occulto
        Gone are the days when anything Catholic could ever come out of Modernist Rome and that is evident every day, never more so than in the past few weeks when the publication Joseph Ratzinger holds full sway over outdoes The New York Times for liberal leitmotif. First L'Osservatore Romano praises Jacko, then Calvin and his heretical ways, and now they are promoting, of all things, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with its arrival in theaters and inordinate clamoring for more of the occult. But should we be surprised? Is not Italy ripe with demonic disturbances? Just more evidence that those in Modern Rome do indeed have half-blood ties to the dark master of the occult. Their actions would convey such. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-17
  • In A Nutshell
       Tom points out how figuring out what is Catholic and what is not as difficult as some make it out to be. That is because Catholic truth is not shrouded in grays but is black and white in absolutes. Thus, if one deviates even one iota from the Catholic Faith, one would no longer be Catholic. Pope Leo XIII made that abundantly clear in Satis cognitum. Simple. Thus if an organization like, oh, say the SSPX, claim they want to dialogue with apostates, they give credibility to the heretics. No true Catholic would ever do that. To dialogue with the devil is the art of the impossible. It cannot be done with any positive results. No good has ever come from compromising with error. Yet Bishop Tissier de Mallerais has the gall to expect good fruit to come from a bad tree. Christ said it: It can't be done. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-16
  • Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal Spreads from Clergy to Laity

       With the conviction of the abrasive, brash Ohio 'catholic' Eric McFadden who brazenly identified himself on a prostitution site as "mcfaddencatholic" has plead guilty to prostitution. Won't it be interesting to see how the mainstream Marxist media spin this one for McFadden was one of those shylocks who pulled many votes from duped Catholic voters for Obama, Kerry and Hillary Clinton while infiltrating the once noble Knights of Columbus, an organization that has completely sold out the Catholic ideals of its founder Fr. Michael McGivney and has ceased being a Catholic organization, but rather an instrument of the devil's freemasonry agenda. Yes, we can see the "good fruit" this traitor McFadden has yielded! Not! Traditio 7-19

    • Give Me Two Bayers, Please and Two More Bayers, Please Tom has just completed the grueling task, thus saving all from having to undergo the suffering, of poring over Ratzinger's latest 144-page tome, his 'encyclical' Caritas in Veritate ('Truth' in Love). Understandably Tom as a splitting headache for such a yeoman task. Who wouldn't? For this gobbledygook bafflegab from the head Hegelian is the epitome of Modernism in bowing to the world and depending on man to have the answers to what only God can provide. Incredibly not once is the word "Catholic" mentioned! But then why would one expect that from one who is not Catholic? That is proven in Ratzinger's words that contradict the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church and will provide a red carpet of endorsement for Comrade Resident Obama and his 'red guard' in Congress and community organizations to continue raping America of its values and freedom. As Tom points out, watch for Obama to take this and run with it in trying to dupe the lemmings who still believe Joseph Ratzinger is a 'holy' father. Like his predecessors of the false church, john23, paul6 and john paul2, benedict16 bows to the diabolic United Nations as the answer to man's woes, woefully forgetting that Pope St. Pius X roundly and soundly condemned such in his decree Notre Charge Apostolique. Ratzinger has woefully forgotten that the only salvific lawful, Natural and Supernatural Authority for mankind is Jesus Christ as Sovereign King and Mary as our Immaculate Queen through the only Church the Son of God established on earth...or has b16 deliberately omitted such Truth in misrepresenting true Caritas? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-8 and 7-9

    Sermon by Bishop Daniel Dolan

    Note: As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary. You can click on the Rosary button to the left as well to see the Rosary Prayers in English, Latin and Spanish. We pray you will be imbued by the truths of the authentic Catholic Faith we provide here and yearn to learn more of the infrangible truths of the One and only Church founded by Jesus Christ.

    Sermon by Bishop Daniel Dolan

    with a commemoration of

  • A "Blessing" on a Murderer and His "Work" Tom weighs in on the roots of why Ratzinger has no intention of reining in Obama in his agenda to turn America into a godless socialistic, yay, even communistic and fascist country for we must all be schooled in "the value of tolerance" as the pc mindrakers from Rome to DC continue their course of steering further and further away from Catholic truth and principles. The result can only be chaos. Both men are products of Montiniism; yes, the very same man who went by Paul VI and, just as Obama is doing today in the secular realm, ruled over and planned the destruction of Catholicism. Truly there are many antichrists as St. John foretold. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-11
  • Who's pulling the puppet strings for the One World Order? Barack or Benedict? Traditio
        Friday, for the first time, two disillusioned and 'mad scientists' in promoting a One World Order met in Rome when two men, who both vehemently oppose unadulterated Catholic truth, huddled in the Vatican for how they could assist each other in attaining "redistribution of wealth" (read global socialism, read global communism) as Resident Comrade Osama Obama has promised in his "change" program and which antipope Hegelian Joseph Ratzinger has been working towards since he assisted Cardinal Fringe in inserting "subsistet in" into Lumen Gentium well over 40 years ago, thus providing the very same break effected by Henry VIII from true Rome nearly 500 years ago. One wonders about the gift exchange. We're sure Benedict would have loved a collection of Jacko's songs. He could have shared those with Gian Maria Vian of L'Osservatore Romano who had such praise for the so-called "king of pop." While the world drooled over the assinine coverage of Jackson's memorial and media and celebrities fell all over themselves in making the wierd one a god for taking rock n' roll and culture deeper into the sewer, God may very well have had a different take over Jackson's immortal soul. Though it is highly doubtful because of his lifestyle and lack of Catholic substance, we can only pray he had a miraculous conversion before his death. Otherwise, when standing before the Eternal Judge, one might fear it did not go well for the gloved one, who rejected the natural features God had blessed him with and sought to change his whole personna. Imagine the shock to his system and soul when he realized no lawyers could help him and that all the wealth and influence in the world does not help one wit in each's Particular Judgment for the first dogma of the Church still stands: "Outside the Church there is no salvation." But back to the gift exchange. What do you suppose the conciliar honcho gifted Obama? A bound cover of Dignitas Personae. More conciliar humanist claptrap. Nothing about Christ or saving one's soul! Like Barry is going to read B16's bafflegab. Maybe he would if it were on a teleprompter. Perhaps, despite the supposed scolding of Obama on things that are below his paygrade, Ratzinger also added the promise that he will not publically object to Hussein's blatant pro-abortion and pro-sodomite agendas since he hasn't yet and the precedent was already set by the conciliarists with the Pact of Metz in pledging not to protest Communism. We can see the fruits of that, can't we? Dr. Droleskey has an article, filed a few days ago on 7-7, leading up to this meeting on how chief members of the conciliarist hierarchy are mesmerized by Obama's spell. Still Urbanely Accepting Evil

  • L'Osservatore del Calvinista When it comes to praising enemies of Christ and His True Church, the current regime of L'Osservatore Romano, which Ratzinger has full control over, takes the cake. They have been tripping over themselves in exalting such diabolical agendas as the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetero), even Elvis and now John Calvin. And that has nothing to do with Calvin Klein and his jeans but the genes of an apostate from France, born 500 years ago; one who denied the True Presence in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and promoted that denial in following another apostate Martin Luther right out of the Church. Today the counterfeit church of conciliarism has gone further than Calvin ever dreamed in destroying Catholicism. Thank you, Vatican II, thank you, Joseph Ratzinger. Thank you, Gian Maria Vian. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-6

  • King George III Is Owed An Apology Is what we have arrived at in our country really what we supposedly fought to avoid. As bad as the English King's persecution of various religions might have been, as severe his taxes might have been, they are a slap on the wrist compared to the shackles we have been wracked with because we followed the naturalistic path rather than what Christ the King wills. Independence? We're no more independent today than before the American Revolution. In fact we're far, far worse off. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-4

  • Circumspection Many have heard about the infidelity of the South Carolina Governor, sadly, a common occurrence in politics on both sides of the aisle for no one is immune from the wiles of the devil. Tom points out why this is so in his short essay. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-1

  • "Let Me Know How Commies Tip" Recently Tom found himself in the midst of Obamanomics at work and visible evidence of what's really happening in this country. The Communist takeover is more and more blatantly obvious as workers are being imported in, especially by one of the many hydra companies that stands to gain by their participation in socializing America, General Electric which has sold out the United States for a seat at the One World Order table with their multiple tentacles of energy, electronics, media and political arms to suck America dry. Tom didn't realize there was a meeting of Red Chinese comrades working for and with GE right in Tom's own back yard in West Chester, Ohio, as he sat down for a nice quiet meal. Not fearing man, Tom brazenly called out to the waitress so all could hear to let him know how these Commies tip in a reference to the fact that Communists do not believe in the capitalistic way of tipping, but moreso of the very fact that Communism and what is occuring in our country right now is the antithesis of what God wants and established with the Social Kingship of Christ. In a Communist world there is no room for Christ; but then that's no different than the Zionist world or the Masonic world or, as we see more and more, in the conciliar world. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-1

  • Winning at the Waiting Game Truly the writing is on the wall. Ratzinger in his clever Hegelian way has gained the upper hand on the SSPX and they're caught in the web, stuck on the strands of suppositions with no escape other to admit the sedevacantists are right, that their founder Archbishop Lefebvre in his last years was closer to realizing these men could not possibly be Catholic popes for they had veered far from the Faith. Tom cites how the SSPX railed against what happened in Campos and now, those very same words can be turned on them as the bargain has already been struck. Only the i's need to be dotted and the t's need to be crossed to doublecross those who have put their trust in the cult known as the Society of St. Pius X. The rumors that have been circulating over the past year will finally all become known once the Society in league with the Modernists decide what to do with their 'embarrassment' known as Bishop Richard Williamson who is truly unpredictable. But it is not unpredictable what Bishop Bernard Fellay is doing for it's been done before. It began with a man named Judas. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-18

  • Vatican Insists: Chinese Catholics Must Merge "Delivery of the Underground Church to Communism." Those are TIA's words, folks. While Ratzinger works the strings with Fellay, he is manipulating the manipulated and manipulators alike in Red China. In a move that cries of apostasy (as if this were something new with B16) he has told the Christians to offer incense to the Roman gods. Well, not really, but it's basically the same thing by recognizing the state-run, man-made religion of the Chinese Patriotic Church which, like the counterfeit church of conciliarism and its pope who is not one, have sold out Our Lord and His Church. We don't know if the price was thirty pieces of silver or fear of the Communists or furthering the Communist agenda of One World Religion. That's the path Ratzinger is on and with the latest news from Modernist Rome's Compendium, the noble Cardinal Kung must be turning over in his grave at the betrayal of the true Faith he tried so desperately to preserve for so many years, all wiped out by these false antipopes who act as antichrists. Since this article is on the Tradition in Action website, do you think they'll connect the dots and finally admit Ratzinger cannot be Catholic, let alone a true pope? Do you think? Don't you think you should ask them how they can publish his apostasies and still recognize him? Margaret Galitzin 6-18

  • Intent on Controlling Mind and Body In the aftermath of the killings of George Tiller and a security guard in D.C., those who cling to the Faith are under assault and intimidation by the pandering left lemmings and disciples of the devil to do the bidding of Comrade, or should we say Socialist Premier Barack Hussein Obama in his siege of freedoms long cherished in this country. Yet, though love of country is noble and patriotism is laudable, we must always remember that God comes first and foremost at all times and any time, such as the atrocities going on under the Obama administration in which life continues to be denied to the most innocent of beings under cover of a law that is unjust and, therefore, no law at all. We must prepare for that time Our Lord foretold when we will be intimidated, hunted, persecuted and yes, die for Christ for if they hated Him, how much more will they hate those who are loyal to the Son of God? The time is coming. Prepare and do not be mollified by the talking heads on the right for though what they propose has merit, it is as empty cymbals if they do not put as the first priority the reestablishment of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ under the Church He established on earth, and no, that is not the conciliar one in Rome, but that which remains in the catacombs as One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Perhaps those who have remained in the catacomb chapels, remaining true, have been led so as a sort of basic training for the battle that lies ahead for those who misuse power today are truly intent in controling mind and body...as well as the soul. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-14

  • Mother Earth Day Atila documents how South America is gaining control of the global push to go green, to dismiss the divine words in Genesis in their quest to deify the earth and punish those who would use her for their own survival as God intended. Marxists like Evo Morales, Leonardo Boff and UN Secretary General Miguel d'Escoto all are touting the Communist mantra as lately in the U.S. Comrade Obama has joined in the chant. Be very, very wary of all the propaganda about 'going GREEN' because it's really a buzz word for 'going RED' as in Red Communist. While Atila understands this, still, in continuing to ignore our challenge to connect the dots in respect to recognizing an apostate as a pope, what Atila did not point out in exposing the culprits is that everyone of them bases the foundation of their heresy on Vatican II which spawned Liberation Theology and gave life to the red agendas we see everywhere today because of Angelo Roncalli's Pact of Metz in 1962 that was a total surrender of the Church's mission to stand strong against heresy and to stop the spread of Russia's errors as Our Lady had warned at Fatima in no doubt confirming what she most probably prophesied of the Great Apostasy and that Rome would lose the Faith and become, as it has, the seat of the Antichrist. Atila Sinke Guimarães 6-4

  • "Reichstag II Tom nails what is happening in America and the trigger for history to drastically repeat itself with another Reichstag. That trigger was conveniently (for Obama's Administration) pulled by a solo gunman on Sunday in a Protestant lodge aka 'church'. For Barack's SS troopers from Napolitano to Holder et alii this is exactly what they have been waiting for to fall into their laps and they are only too happy to use the notorious abortionist physician George "the Killer" Tiller as a martyr for their cause with the help of the pro-abortion agitators to institute intensified interrogation and persecution of pro-lifers for such crimes as stating one is praying for the conversion of abortionists. Hitler's tactics are the method Comrade Fuhrer Obama is employing in every facet of government along with his radical corporate invasions of the infrastructure industry while draining citizens through deception, false hopes and unfair taxation, not to mention runaway intimidation in an effort to create another Nazi regime with obvious signs of Marxist and Fascist tendencies to deprive America of the freedom she has long enjoyed, but abused in turning from God. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-1

  • L'Osservatore Del Naturalista Tom shows where Gian Maria Vian serves as both Ratzinger and Obama's useful idiot as the babbling editor of the once respected L'Osservatore Romano, which today is closer to the National Enquirer and The New York Times in its leftist attitude, ambiguity and outright lies! Tom cites previous true Popes condemning the very words Vian speaks which are the same the Curia speaks and the man who appointed all of them speaks. In attempting to rationalize the "seamless garment theory" popularized by the homosexual-oriented late Cardinal Bernardin of, surprise, Chicago, Vian bends over backward to defend another, surprise, community organizer from Chicago who was of like mind with Bernardin in promoting sin. The only problem is that that man went on to illegally and invalidly wrest the Presidency of the United States under the pretense that he was a legitimate American citizen without proof. Of course, Ratzinger and his conciliar predecessors did the same thing. So, as they say, birds (vultures come to mind?) of a feather, stick together in the outright attack on Catholic truth. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-22

  • Suborning Sin Comrade Obama's latest proclamation of celebrating the grievous sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance and applauding those who commit this heinous act of sodomy only shows how much satan is in charge. However, to Catholics no one can take June away from us as the month dedicated solely to the Most Sacred and Merciful Heart of Jesus. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-7

  • True Popes Never Need to "Convert" to the Faith Dr. Droleskey exposes the sham the honchos of the Society have been trying to pull on their followers in serving two masters. You can't have it both ways as Tom reveals in his essay released on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-29
  • Winona Rector of SSPX towing company line in selling out souls Fr. LeRoux turns nasty in lambasting critics of Ratzinger as he vainly tries to defend the apostate German. Surely SSPX members have got to wake up soon or else. Traditio 5-23

  • Archbishop Who? Failing to heed the words of their own founder, Fellay and company are complicit in their complacency to call out Ratzinger and correct the conciliar heresies. What they condone by their eagerness to please a an antipope is forbotten! Dr. Thomas Droleskey 5-9

  • Trust is a thing of the past with Fellay They say a picture tells a thousand words and the picture above says it all. Traditio 5-6

  • Here Comes the Bride: The Music Starts Again for the SSPX Eye-opening critical analysis in PDF format. Bishop Donald Sanborn

  • Appeasers Never Learn Those who fear man's opinion and are guided by such will have much to fear when they stand before the Eternal Judge at their Particular Judgment. Whether it is Comrade Premier Obama allowing hundreds of Iranians to die in the streets because he's afraid of how Iran's barbaric Islamic Republic will judge him, the ultimate community organizer of chaos, or Ratzinger kowtowing to the radical Zionist interests, progressive conciliar prelates or Chinese Communism in order not to upset these enemies of Christ, Tom shows how such appeasers never learn because they're unwilling to do so. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-23

  • Tu es Sacerdos Tom rakes an apostate female reporter for the National Catholic Reporter (aka Distorter) over the coals - where so many are heading with their denial of infrangible Catholic truth - for her defamation of the holy priesthood and outright heretical statements. But Tom sees a greater danger here for below the surface he can see that the tripe she spews is shared by too many clerics and hierarchs in the counterfeit church of conciliarism in the "we're all priests" mentality that denies the uniqueness of the holy priesthood established by Christ and which true priests are indispensable for only they can confect the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist as alter Christus acting in the person of Christ for the faithful. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-17

  • Smashing Through the Conciliar Looking Glass - Tom presents the epitome of the art of tergiversation as put forth by one Joseph Ratzinger that boggles the mind, if not one's sensus Catholicus. The reflections in the conciliar looking glass are hideous to God and should be to man as well for this man whom the world calls 'pope' is neither that nor Catholic. Rather he is the antithesis of what Catholic means. In trying to pander to the progressivist and conservative camps, while still trying to passify and lure the Society of St. Pius X into his web, Ratzinger has turned into the Mad Hatter with his ramblings in his Hegelian efforts to try to save face with the pending showdown with the SSPX ordinations. The only question that remains is whether he'll turn into the cheesy Cheshire Cat or the crazed Queen of Hearts screaming "off with their heads"? We know what His Holiness Pope St. Pius X would do and did. But that was when we had a true holy Pontiff on the throne who understood that truth cannot ever change. As for Tweedle Dee in present Moderist Rome and Tweedle Dum in Econe? Well, stay tuned. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-11

    Click below for past issues this year
  • Do you recognize the hand pounding the cruel nail into Christ's left hand? That's Mel Gibson's own hand and he insisted he do that for his film because of his own past sins as Mel so correctly pointed out what killed Christ. Our sins. How much more it must hurt Our Lord today in light of Mel's shameless and scandalous tryst. Editor Michael Cain shares some of the sentiments of a few influential Traditional Catholics in imploring Mel to quit being a Henry VIII and return to his roots of faith and family. While one must take responsibility and accountability for one's mistakes - no matter how expensive such might be and with Mel it very well could be the most expensive divorce settlement in Hollywood history, and that's going some! - there is still time for him to redeem himself and his marriage. For just as Mel fooled all the pundits with his masterpiece The Passion of The Christ five years ago, it's time for a rebirth of that same Mel, time for him to be contrite, to put away the harlot that came between he and his wife of 29 years Robyn. He should grovel at the feet of the love of his life who, in Mel's own words, he called "his rock". Few find a wife as loyal as she, and yet, just as Henry VIII cast off the loyal Catherine of Aragon for the feisty and ambitious courtesan Anne Boleyn in a move that forever changed the landscape of Catholicism, Mel can go one way or the other. What hangs in the balance is the survival of his soul. Mel needs to make amends but only he can do it. It's time for him to cease the parading before the paparazzi and posturing on all the talk shows and truly put on sackcloth and ashes in repentance for the scandal that he has caused both before God and man, especially his own family and Traditional Catholics everywhere whom he has gravely let down and betrayed by his continually carrying on in public. Cain explains in his editorial, Sin: The Devil's Lethal Weapon

    To enhance each Sunday's Epistle and Gospel we present this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. We publish it here in conjunction with the Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday Mass, with the cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary penned by Father George Leo Haydock. For the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost we are reminded that through baptism we die to sin and are crucified with Christ, confident in knowing that if we are faithful to Him He will always be faithful to us, and, as St. Mark's Gospel illustrates in the loaves and the fishes, there is no end to His mercy and promises through the two great sacraments which our Lord has placed as the priority for salvation: Baptism and the Holy Eucharist, assuring we will always have nourishment for the soul as we see in Fr. Haydock's cogent comments for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Haydock Commentary If we die to sin we will always be nourished

    Griff resumes the second half of his book, if you will, on totally debunking Feeneyism and taking on others who have used the art of scholastic dishonesty to further their own agenda and mislead readers, leading them away from the true Faith by fostering error and even heresy. In his thirteenth installment, he returns to the source of Feeneyism, the Boston Jesuit Fr. Leonard Feeney who established a cult by denying Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire, effectively establishing a Jansenistic position in taking Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus to the extreme and sitting in judgment where even saints, Popes and Doctors of the Church never ventured. His hypothesis are not only warped, but wrapped in dishonesty as Griff details in exposing this proud priest who sought to deceive through the art of scholastic dishonesty, particularly in his book which Griff breaks down, Bread of Life. What Feeney has provided is rather molded wheat that cannot be digestible to Catholics for it can be toxic to the soul as he identifies in his thirteenth installment Begin at the Beginning

    To print out, clip and fold into your missal, click anywhere on the above prayer

        As you can see, we are back up and running daily after a horrendous period when our system crashed during Lent, making our Lent most meaningful in realizing what penance really means, considering we lost most of our software programs when the mother board fried. Thanks to Griff Ruby, the files were recovered, but we are still at a disadvantage without the applicable software programs to run the files. We are slowly instituting the process of building up our software library once more. Please be patient. We also remind you that we need donations in order to do this. Could you please help us in this modest request? We have no compunction in informing you that we are running on fumes. This is our mayday alert that we desperately need your help. We have received no bailout from anyone nor do we expect such, but we do expect those who visit this site to ask themselves how they can help. We ask where are the "Good Samaritans" out there? Other than a few, and we do mean "few" loyal and regular benefactors, everyone else seems to think we can operate without donations. In the demonic despot Barack Hussein Obama's world that might work by printing up more money and taxing everyone for it, but in the real world the reality is that we dearly need everyone to pitch in and help. As Dr. Thomas Droleskey has written often on his own site, if everyone who logs on once a week sent one dollar there'd be no need to ask again. That amount - times the number of visitors per week for The DailyCatholic - would basically set us up for the year with over $25,000. just there. However, we know that won't happen considering the apathy and modernist philosophy that has seeped into society today where so many consider themselves entitled. They seem to think they can use things for free with little consideration toward those, who have not only spent many, many years in learning and intense study (not to mention costs), but also continue to labor long in time and research to provide Catholic truth and information that would, in a true republic or monarchy, be duly rewarded or reciprocated in trade in the manner that made the guilds so successful and so Catholic. Did Our Lord not say, "a laborer is worthy of his hire" in St. Luke 10: 7? What say you? Won't you help us rebound?

    or you can send your tax-deductible contribution (check, cash or M.0.) by mail to:

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    To enhance each Sunday's Epistle and Gospel we present this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. We publish it here in conjunction with the Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday Mass, with the cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary penned by Father George Leo Haydock. For the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost the theme is that if one is reconcilied with his fellow man then he will always be reconciled with God for he will remain in the state of grace,which is necessary for participating in the sacramental fullness of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If we do not comply with our Lord's commands, the consequences are catastrophic as we see in Fr. Haydock's cogent comments for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Haydock Commentary Make amends with thy brother before partaking at the altar

    We publish here a letter originally sent to Tradition in Action regarding their slur of sedevacantists (June 16) and which the editor of The DailyCatholic took to task in his editorial of June 29, "A Question No One Has Yet to Answer." We discovered from the writer of the following letter that it had been sent to TIA well before our editorial was released and yet, despite TIA's claim that they print opposing views in their "What People Are Commenting" section, they show a tendency to assimilate with the mainstream media in being most selective of what they posit as opposition, effectively silencing any stable, reasonable responses such as Patricia Beck's and, when posting opposing views, use extreme examples which, by such association, castigates the entire group of sedevacantists. It's a clever trick of biased and, yes, dishonest journalism. Patricia's letter illustrates that she, like thousands of Traditional Catholics, is not the "progressive, proud, protestant" TIA depicted sedevacantists as being, but rather a solid, sincere Catholic who follows all holy Mother Church has taught and strives for holiness by attending Masses that are totally free of conciliar corruption. She wonders why, with all Atila and Marian have written confirming this corruption, why they remain so stubborn and vindictive against those who follow the precepts of the Vatican Council (the only legitimate Council also known as Vatican I) reinforcing the fact that, as the Mystical Bride of Christ, She cannot teach error. Why, one wonders, did not TIA publish her letter? Could it be because they have no answer but to admit she's right? She rightly says, Shame On You, TIA

    On the First Class Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, editor Michael Cain points out how our focus is on the welfare of the Mystical Bride of Christ entrusted first to Cephus by Our Lord in St. Matthew 16: 18-19. That welfare is gravely hindered today because we are in those times Christ foretold in St. Matthew 24. The question is: what are we doing about it? Sadly, most are complacent, falling into that vial lukewarm category so castigated by the Lord in Apocalypse 3: 16. They resort to going along with whatever comes along because that's the easiest way. However, those striving towards sainthood don't choose the easy way; rather they opt for the most expedient way to holiness. Despite the fact we all strive towards holiness, we all have a fallen human nature. We are all sinners. And in that, the devil is having a field day by creating diversions in diversity in both temporal and spiritual matters. Nowhere is this more evident than in the disunity he sows within the Traditional Catholic movement, pitting one against the other. When will we bury the hatchets and seek the common ground of Catholic Truth in our fight against those who oppose just that? When those who pine for the good ol' days, those who complain about the sacrilegious travesties in the New Order, those, such as TIA, who claim exclusivity in the Resistance movement, and dissident 'home-aloners' all realize that the nearest sedevacantist chapel is where they will all discover that the sacramental life of the Church is alive and well. And why not? The Church has provided as Christ promised. Cain explains in his editorial, A Question No One Has Yet To Answer

    To enhance each Sunday's Epistle and Gospel we present this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. We publish it here in conjunction with the Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday Mass, with the cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary penned by Father George Leo Haydock. Today for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, the theme is those creatures swimming in the sea of fallen human nature in this world and who can only be rescued through the grace of God via those He has sent to reel in souls as fishers of men. St. Peter is the chief fishermen and, despite his temerity, our Lord knew the mettle of the man He tabbed to head His Church on earth and had no compunction in commanding His disciples to "launch out into the deep" for souls, not fish as we see in Fr. Haydock's Commentary for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets..."

    Griff Ruby completes his three-part series on the Anatomy of a Papal Resignation in which he provides the DNA, all forensics, you name it, as to the proof that the Sedevacantists are right. The problem is, like the famous scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, "they've been digging in the wrong places." Now Griff presents the Motherlode to free all from the Well of Souls. In the past we have all given reasons why we profess the conciliar 'popes' cannot be Catholic and therefore cannot be a true Popes. We have quoted sources ad infinitum, cited past Councils, true reliable Roman Pontiffs, saints, even Doctors of the Church, but many times those who oppose sedevacantism merely fire back with quotes from other saints or Councils or even Doctors of the Church, several times, we might add, taking them out of context, to try to prove that the Chair cannot be empty. And what do we arrive at? A stalemate where each side believes their argument trumps the other. Until now! Here Griff provides failsafe proof that cannot be denied, failsafe evidence that once Paul VI signed off on Lumen Gentium he visibly resigned from the post of Roman Pontiff. The point being very simple really, that, considering he became at that moment the leader of a new man-made organization, all who have succeeded him as supposed 'popes' including John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI are mere leaders of this other new organization, and, ergo, have been no more Catholic popes than Caiphas, Mohammed, John Calvin, John Smith or the Dalai Lama. It is no longer an "opinion", but fact. Griff proves his point in part three The Proof

    To enhance today's Epistle and Gospel we present this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. We publish it here in conjunction with the Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday Mass, with the cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary penned by Father George Leo Haydock. Today for the Third Sunday after Pentecost, we encounter one of the most oft quoted passages of Sacred Scripture, the eighth verse of chapter five of the first epistle of St. Peter whereby Christ's chosen first Pope employs the imagery of the devil being like a roaring lion always on the prowl to devour souls. That is why it ties in so well with today's Gospel of the rejoicing of one sinner returning to the fold. With satan roaming it truly is a victory worth celebrating when a soul is saved from this savage unearthly beast. For the Haydock Commentary of the Second Sunday after Pentecost's Epistle and Gospel, see Saving the sheep from the roaring lion

    While we normally focus on things spiritual and on the true Faith, editor Michael Cain devotes his editorial today to the very fact that citizens from sea to shining sea are fed up with what the government at the state and federal levels are doing. Their malfeasance has awakened the sleeping giant that is the American spirit. We're mad as hell over what has happened and would never occurred had we all been watchful. With our country turning toward Marxism faster than you can say "Groucho", it's time to get involved now or forever rue having any peace of mind, body, or even the soul. For that is what is at stake. Through a fast-growing grassroots movement, called the Honor In Office Act, we can turn a stifled garden into goodness for and by the people by weeding out dishonest politicians and special interest groups whose shell games, sneak attacks and hidden agendas have slithered through and become law, many times unjust ones at that, without our knowledge. This is tyranny, and we have but one last-gap effort to save our checks and balance system which is tilting so badly to the left right now. They are OUR representatives. They WORK FOR US. It's time we have some clout to hold them to account in returning decency and God to the equation. We will not render to Caesar what does not belong to Caesar or any other dishonest politician or unjust law. It is time to raise the Navy Jack, "Don't tread on me" and take action. Cain explains in his editorial, The Treasured Turf of Freedom

    At a time when the Roman Empire was crumbling and decaying from within, God rose up a Rock-Solid Column of the Church in the holy Deacon and Doctor Saint Ephrem to preserve souls from the perversion that consumed so many.

    Today is the feast of the holy Doctor of the Church Saint Ephrem the Deacon, and in honor of this saintly Syrian, who was the second chronologically to receive such a title following Saint Athanasius, we present a brief profile of this early luminary of the Church. St. Ephrem was beloved by his people and one called the "Prophet of his people" and a deacon who combated heretical sects and Roman emperors, not by raising his voice in anger, but through Syriac poetry in winning the people to the Faith. His works are integral to the Syrian Church. In adherence to yesterday's gospel, Ephrem reached out and cared for the least of his brethren leaving the 99 to go in search of the one who was lost. This dedication to the will of God and uncompromisingly living the Gospel to win souls to the Lord show why he was a clarion of clarity to those suffering from the confusion of the Arian heresy. He is affectionately known as the Harp of the Holy Ghost

    Griff continues his three-part series on what would be entailed for a papal resignation. His second installment proves the precedence has been set for Popes to resign not only directly, but also by other means such as acceptance of their being deposed. Of course, there are many who say a pope cannot resign, that he is elected for life. That is one of the arguments that many launch in trying to negate the possibility that there can be a vacancy on the throne of Peter whether the duration is nine days, four years, or 50 years, or even more. Of course, throughout the history of the Church such a vacancy exists everytime a Pope dies and this is precedence set by holy Mother Church and is called by Her, sede vacante. During these times between the elections of a true successor to replace a true predecessor, there is no living true Pope to act as the Authority reserved for the Office of the Primacy of Peter. During such time Ecclesia supplicet. That is the Church supplies in continuing to administer the holy sacraments and carrying on in the same manner done as when there was a true visible Pope on the Throne of Peter. Setting aside all bizarre precedents that can create chaos, there is an accurate and very viable precedence that has been established more than several times when Roman Pontiffs have resigned or been deposed. The True Church survived and flourished during such time and even during the times of antipopes as well. Griff provides the very circumstances that prove the precedence in part two The Precedence

    Nearly 1,700 years ago St. Basil the Great defined the condition of the counterfeit church of conciliarism today: "You have the Bishops against you. That proves that they are all against the Church."

    In back to back Doctors of the Church, with June 13 being St. Anthony's feast, the next day June 14 the Church celebrates another of the magnificent luminaries God rose up in the 4th century. The holy bishop and Doctor of the Church Saint Basil the Great also faced the intense persecutions and calumnies of the Arian bishops and suffered greatly, never complaining and living a life of austerity while his fellow Arian bishops lived high on the hog. Like his good life-long friend and fellow Doctor of the Church St. Gregory Nazianzen, he,too, came from holy stock and had two brothers who became bishops; a father, mother and sister who became saints. This Bishop of Caesarea is one of the few, along with Popes St. Leo I and St. Gregory I and St. Albert to be given the august title "Magnus" - great. For a profile of this holy Bishop and Doctor, see Orator of Orthodoxy

    John Gregory has provided the Haydock Commentary for the Second Sunday after Pentecost in which Christ tells of the parable of the man who compelled his servants to summon many of his friends to banquet. Yet the ways of the world prevented many from attending. This very point is brought home in today's Gospel and commentary that those who were invited and declined are those who reject the graces God gives and when the time comes to sit down with the Lord, they will be refused admittance for they lack the proper garment of sanctifying grace, necessary for entrance to the heavenly banquet. The Epistle by St. Paul refers to this in living as one in the state of grace, not just by our speech, but also in our actions in charity to others not by pandering to them, but doing all we can to bring them to their heavenly destination by following all Christ has taught through His one, true Church. For the Haydock Commentary of the Second Sunday after Pentecost's Epistle and Gospel, see Gather the poor, the feeble, the blind and the lame

    One of the most beloved saints in the entire Church Triumphant, many consider him a gentle saint as he is so often depicted in his love for the Christ Child. Because of his love for Jesus and His Church, St. Anthony was anything but gentle on those who sought to deceive the faithful through heresy.

    Today is the Double Feast of the holy Franciscan and Doctor of the Church Saint Anthony of Padua who died on this date in 1231 at the early age of 36. Upon his death church bells rang throughout Italy, in many with no human person ringing the bells. People attributed the bellringers to the angels who had come to earth to ring them as children wailed in the streets crying aloud, "Our dear father, Anthony is dead." But his spirit and on-going miraculous wonders have lived on for nearly eight centuries. He is the patron saint of the poor and oppressed and the one to whom so many pray to when something or someone is lost. He so wanted to convert the Moors and was willing to be martyred. Where are the St. Anthonys today when the infidels are overrunning Christianity? For more on St. Anthony, see Hammer of Heretics

    Griff begins today a three-part series on what would be entailed for a papal resignation. His first part is actually a rerun of an article he wrote here three years ago but serves as an excellent primer for this category. The burning question as to determining the status of one who claims to be pope remains similiar to the age-old question: Which came first? The chicken or the egg? The feathers are sure to fly whenever the question arises between sedevacantist and sedeplenist because there is no set formula or procedure for fully answering the unprecedented circumstances Catholics find themselves in today thanks to something no saint or Doctor of the Church ever envisioned: conciliarism. The following is intended to help Traditional Catholics not end up with egg on their face or chicken out when syllogisms lead to the obvious. The standard always applies: Unity in things essential which includes the infrangible dogmas and doctrines of the Church, freedom to discuss speculative theology which this essay addresses, and in all things charity in arriving at what is best for the Mystical Body of Christ. Griff lays out the scenario and possibilities in part one The Procedure

    John Gregory has provided the Haydock Commentary for Trinity Sunday in which Christ reaffirms His short, but powerfully poignant and pertinent words in His final assurance of His protection for all time. In today's Gospel we have all we need to debunk all Protestant argumentation for Scriptura sola or Fidei sola. Their rationalizations are heresy for the Word alone will not save you, nor will Faith alone, but rather those combined through the Sacraments for only through being in the state of Sanctifying Grace can we hope to achieve Heaven. We arrive at the sacraments through Faith and we learn Faith through the Word. Consider, if you will, a three-legged stool (ideal analogy for Trinity Sunday). If one of those legs are missing the stool cannot stand. To know Jesus is to love Him and obey Him by following all He commands. For the Haydock Commentary of Trinity Sunday's Epistle and Gospel, see "Behold I am with you all days"

    Considering the "resist and recognize" camp has had no comeback to our arguments because it's not possible to, Griff Ruby tries another tack to hammer home how senseless it is to defend the indefensible. How can one be effective inside something that is totally foreign to God and all He established upon the Rock of Peter? That is the question he addresses to Atila Guimarães and other like minded resisters who think they can be more effective "inside." It is not possible. For to be inside the wrong something can put one outside the right something. Thus in order to return to the inside, one must shed all that he has insisted on on the outside during the time he thought he was on the inside, but really was and continues to be outside the Church. That logic is not thinking outside the box, but rather inside the Church as laid down by the perennial Magisterium of the Church and therefore in harmony with the will of God. And that is the key point Griff lays out for those still in denial that we are in an interminable interregnum in hopes that perhaps it will prompt them to want to get out of the soul-suffocating constraints of the conciliar box as soon as they can and realize that sedevacantism is not only a "viable option" but, under the circumstances, the only option! Griff provides the logic in Thinking Inside the Church and Outside the Conciliar Box

    On 'Red Easter', when we celebrated the birthday of the Church there is another church trying to horn in on our festivities. And editor Michael Cain doesn't mind relating how much he resents it for it has swallowed up a very good priest in Fr. Al Svobodny, OMI, another victim of the conciliar freezer. Oh, the conciliar church might be called 'Catholic' but it has none of the similarities of what the universal Church exhibits such as One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Those indelible marks, infallible attributes of the Church Christ founded upon the Rock of Peter, are absent as the Modernist Mengales strive to alter the truth, creating their own evolving monsters in the Modernist mold that consistently ignores the fact that the Author of Truth has revealed all things and there is really nothing new under the sun for the Son, Father or Holy Ghost. They can neither deceive nor be deceived. That should tell you everything about those who do deceive. We only wish there weren't such a casualty list of those who have been deceived, including our former spiritual director who is trapped in the syncretic system that has sapped so many religious orders that used to be valuable to saving souls. Sadly, that is the case no longer as hearts harden and the faith freezes over faster than hell can. Cain provides the cold, hard facts in Thank You, Vatican Two!

    John Gregory has provided the Haydock Commentary for Pentecost Sunday in which Christ makes good on His Promise. He has sent His Spirit, the Paraclete, and, Deo gratias, things will never be the same again for His holy Church is officially off and running in fulfilling His command to His disciples to preach the Gospel to all. Peace He has given them to spread not as the world perceives it even today when humanism is trumpeted from the highest echelons of the conciliarists and scandal is accepted as if it's part of Catholic truth as millions of souls are deceived daily and fall deeper into the miasma that engulfs the lukewarm. We must return to what our Lord taught and what His chosen apostles preached without compromise. Peace is only possible when grace flows. Only then can the Sanctifier reach souls. When God withdraws His graces and blessings, corruption and corrosion follow and all man-made institutions will crumble because they are not of divine design. For the Haydock Commentary of WhitSunday's Epistle and Gospel, see "He will teach you all things."

    Griff Ruby completes his three part interlude with how Conciliar ambiguity lended itself to the confusion of the dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus and, in essence, unwittingly ran interference for Feeneyism, though the latter followers would never admit as much. Griff shows how the notorious Theologian Karl Rahner, considered one of the chief architects of Vatican II, coined the term "Anonymous Christian" and therein the seeds for lumen gentium were planted, which Griff thoroughly covered in Down the Yellow Brick Road to Apostasy: The Lumen Gentium Syndrome. By making relative the true purpose and mandate of the Living Magisterium of the Church by ambiguous terms, Rahner and his cohorts could effectively undermine that perennial, infallible body and pull off the most bloody bloodless coup of all time: The Second Vatican Council and the hijacking of holy Mother Church. Yet interestingly, even in the midst of all the chaos and confusion created by this, there still has not been one bishop, legitimate traditional bishop or illegitmate conciliar bishop, who has ever subscribed to the cockeyed belief that Feeneyism promotes. Griff provides the proof of this in his third part Dead or Alive, Anonymous Apostates Are Known to God

    John Gregory has provided the Haydock Commentary for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension and it is most appropriate considering the apostasy so prevalent in Rome. In all things Christ must be honored and defended even if it means being persecuted for believing in Him. Our Lord conveys these final words to His disciples, foretelling of a time when the Jews and unbelievers would greatly harass and even kill them. Every apostle except for St. John suffered martyrdom. When Jesus speaks of His followers "being put out of the synagogues" what do you think they'd have to say about BeneRatz' latest schmoozing and giving credence to Caiaphas and all the faithless Jews since who persist in their error? What does he do? Not only participates, thus publicly giving scandal through his persistent heresy, but proclaims that the Jews do not need to be converted. But then what's new? In fact, he's done it so much that few recognize the apostasy in their midst. We need only read what our Lord says about it in today's Gospel. Do you think Fr. Joseph Ratzinger has read that passage? Do you really think he cares? Ah, there's the rub. All hail man! Yes, Lord, we remember that You did tell us this too would come. Perhaps we never realized how bad it would be with so many duped into actually believing Ratzinger represents You. St. Paul says today "in all things God may be honored through Jesus Christ", not man. For the Haydock Commentary of Sunday's Epistle and Gospel, see "They have not known the Father, nor Me."

    Editor Michael Cain challenges all in the "resist and recognize" camp to fish or cut bait. There is no other way to put it. We can no longer agree to disagree while allowing countless souls to be ever more confused. We have to account to God for our actions and inactions and by doing nothing we are contributing to the malaise so prevalent among Catholics and how the world sees the Church today. Always the Church has been at odds with the world, yet the latter always held a healthy respect for the integrity of the Church and her hierarchy. That is not the case today where She is ridiculed and held to account for herself against the "dogmas of Vatican II." Ridiculous, yes, and why it is vital that we separate the wheat from the chaff, informing the world that the conciliar church and its operatives from Benedict XVI on down are not Catholic and cannot be Catholic. Only then will souls begin to understand why and realize Vatican II was not Catholic either. Only then will the world realize the visible Church in Rome hasn't been Catholic since October 9, 1958. Only then will they join the cry to bring back the truths and traditions that sustained the mighty Rock for nearly two millennia. Only then will the world realize that the true Catholic Church answers to no one but God, Who alone She seeks to please by fulfilling His holy will. That's not happening under the regime of the current pretender in Rome. It's time for all to admit that, especially the authors of We Resist You to The Face. It's time to resist the "resist and recognize" camp to their face

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