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    Holy Season of Lent. Historical feast of Saint Matilda, Queen who died in 968. She is the Patron Saint of Parents of Large Families.
    Thursday                       March 14, 2002                       volume 13, no. 49
    Latest news updated daily
    Echoes of True Catholicism
    Today Dr. Marian Horvat points out that when life gives you lemons, you can make delicious lemonade through prayer. That recipe for virtue is necessary against the pesky, unrelenting demons of the air which constantly agitate souls, trying to disrupt our goal of adhering to God's Will. She identifies these demons of the air as the same ones who have consternated so many since Vatican II, even to the idea of entertaining such radical thoughts as to compromise the Petrine Primacy. As was first addressed in An Urgent Plea, she points out that the Holy Father seems to be catering to these demons by even considering collegiality as an option as she explains in her column Demons of the Air.
    Precious Gift of our Faith
    In this issue we continue a beautiful catechetical apologetic series on the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar on the true meaning of the Holy Sacrifice. The 263rd installment continues an enthralling, truly inspiring and enlightening understanding of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass gleaned from My Catholic Faith and presented as it was taught for centuries. We concentrate this week on the manner of worthily receiving Jesus, truly present Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity as we present Holy Communion
    The Great Sacrilege
    Father James F. Wathen, O.S.J. has granted permission to publish his entire work which was first published by Tan Books in 1972, and which we urge you to read for everything he wrote back then is backed by the solid depositum fidei - the Sacred Deposit of the Faith and still holds true. It takes up where the Ottaviani Intervention left off as you'll see in today's issue when Father reveals the deliberate machinations to diminish the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as he explains in Part Twelve of Chapter Four The Dishonoring of Mary
    Nazism condemned by Pius XI
    On this date 65 years ago in 1937 Pope Pius XI published his encyclical Mit brennender Sorge to the German bishops. It was a definitive recognition of the evil of Adolph Hitler and the dangers of the Third Reich in which the 259th successor of Peter strongly condemned the Nazi philosophy. Yet, as we know the caution went unheeded by the rest of the world and two years later Hitler invaded Poland and the tragedy of World War II, foretold at Fatima, was visited upon mankind.
      In each issue we will feature a special prayer to enhance your Catholic devotions
    The Rosary of Mary is our most powerful weapon. See Holy Rosary to recite the full Rosary in either English or Latin.

    For prayers posted thus far, see Devotions and Reflections

    For Stations of the Cross, see WAY OF THE CROSS
    Prayer for the Fourth Thursday in Lent

    Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty O God, that we who are chastised by the fasts we have undertaken, may also be gladdened with holy devotion: that our earthly affections being weakened, we may the more easily lay hold on Heavenly things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth, with the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end. Amen.

    Collect for Today's Holy Mass

    Saintly Sayings...:
    "When I am at all worried, I go to my confessor, who shows me what is God's Will; for Jesus Christ Himself assures us that he speaks with the Voice of God."

    "When I want something important, I go to Holy Communion, where I receive the same Body that our Lord offered up for us on the Cross, together with His Precious Blood, His Soul and His Divinity. What more is wanting to complete my happiness until the day when I shall see face to face Him Whom I now see on the altars only with the eye of faith?"

    Saint Dominic Savio


    Christ or chaos
    In tomorrow's issue Dr. Thomas Droleskey will continue focusing on the glaring differences between the Old Roman Rite observed for centuries and the New Roman Rite that is like a chameleon. While some may think the only difference between the Novus Ordo Mass of Modern Rome and the Traditional Latin Mass of Eternal Rome is no different than preferring one flavor over another, in truth the latter satisfies fully in every way, leaving one satiated in grace, while the former leaves an aftertaste that is foul and sipid, changing tastes constantly to please whatever the careless chefs of this new rite want to put on the liberal menu as Tom explains in part two of Merely a Matter of Preference? For Tom's first part, see Merely a Matter of Preference?

    Traditional Insights
    In tomorrow's issue Mario Derksen continues his series on "Vatican II and the Gospel of Man" as he meticulously peels off the skin-deep layers of rhetoric, exposing the tightening muscles of modernism that seek to squeeze the bones of doctrine. This prevents the living organs of Truth and Tradition from fully being able to function, thus allowing the cancer of humanism to penetrate the pores of the Mystical Body of Christ. Mario will illustrate the ambiguities that mark the post-conciliar church, specifically the pontificate of John Paul II in showing how difficult modern Rome has made it for Catholics to know their faith in what would seem to be a deliberate attempt to cloak the teachings of the Church in mystery and hide them under a cloud of nearly impenetrable gobbledygook as Mario will explain Friday in part five with his column The Razzmatazz of the Post-Conciliar Church. For part four of Mario's series, see Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
    The Fatima FILE
    Tomorrow we present the final of a three part series on arguments regarding Sister Lucia and how it doesn't calculate with the swashbuckling Vatican spin that was disseminated through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's The Message of Fatima. In truth, there are too many holes in their theory to make it sail. Sadly, the propaganda has dulled and deceived so many into believing what in truth is a false flag raised to deceive souls and cover up the real intentions of the modernist buccaneers. Through the good graces and permission of John Vennari of Catholic Family News we present an excellent, fact-filled feature by journalist Mark Fellows who exposes the facades as he will illustrate Friday with part three of Lucy and the Pirates For part two, see Lucy and the Pirates.

    Pro Life Prescriptions
    Wednesday Dr. Frank Joseph contrasts two Spitzers - Eliot on the left, Fr. Edward Spitzer on the right, president of Gonzaga University who, unlike his counterpart at Notre Dame, was not afraid to say no to the obscene promoters of the V-Monologues. Dr. Frank laments how far the South Bend university has fallen for the luster is gone from the golden dome, unlikely even Jesus is shining down on it today as he explains in his column Tale of Two Spitzers and a Tarnished Dome

    The Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart
    Wednesday we will bring you the excellent work by Father Joseph McDonnell, S.J. first written during the Pontificate of Pope Saint Pius X and which, now out of print, Catholic Family News has given us permission to reprint following their publishing of it. It is a beautiful meditation and commentary that should encourage more devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as we will continue with Part Ten - Meditation on the Fifth Promise.
    Simply Sheen
    For Lent Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen continued to talk about suffering and the reasons why God allows it. The Bishop pointed out that pain is part of payment to love and be loved by God. It is called Expiation and Reparation and he explained that love does not eradicate pain, but it does diminish it if we see it in its proper light and how God intended suffering in order for the Church Militant to help the Church Suffering then we can better understand this earthly journey toward salvation as he illustrated Wednesday in Love cannot erase pain, but it can diminish it.
    Traditional Thoughts
    Tuesday we brought you the first of a two-part excellent article by Christopher A. Ferrara, columnist for The Remnant. Editor Michael J. Matt has graciously given his permission for us to share these words of common sense with our readers. Chris acknowledged that the neo-Catholic establishment has tried to make sport of traditionalists but more often than not they end up being the butt of the joke. The sad thing is it really isn't a laughing matter when souls and the faith are at stake as Chris explained in part one of his article A Strange Obsession.
    In Tuesday's issue we focused on an excellent essay by Ervan Park, courtesy of Peter Miller, editor of www.Seattle Catholic.com, on the chaos that reigns today in the modern church. Park pointed out how the ramparts have been so battered that many don't know which way is up as trust and confidence in the hierarchy has sunk to the depths as depravity and insanity rule the roost. Our only hope is the assurance that Christ will always be with His Bride no matter how much she may be assaulted and abused as Park described in his article Chaos, Common Sense and the Church Catholic Today
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    In episode three of Chapter Seven in Part II - "The Smoldering" - As darkness falls on the seven hills of Rome, Pat's cab makes its way slowly toward his hotel through the nightly grapevine of snarled traffic. He can sense the fetid stench of the Basilisk's breath growing stronger and closer.
    Unam Sanctam
    With all 21 Ecumenical Councils completed, we began Monday bringing you pertinent Papal Decrees. The first we presented was the landmark Papal Bull by Pope Boniface VIII which asserted the Sovereign Pontiff as superior to a temporal king and which also asserted that the Church of Rome is the sole means of salvation, using the example of Noah and his ark to represent the only barque of refuge while outside all else is destroyed. For this dogmatic Papal Bull, see Unam Sanctam
    Catholic PewPOINT
    Monday editor Michael Cain continued his series on the analogy of the Mystical Body of Christ with the sorrowful mysteries as he presented the fourth sorrowful mystery - the Carrying of the Cross. He equated this painful journey of Christ's Passion with the debilitating, fruitless and painful 40-year period during which the Mystical Body of Christ has borne the cross of the 'bad fruits' of the Vatican II reforms in Unsound Doctrine and the Yoke of Blind Obedience.
    On the BattleLine
    In Monday's issue Atila Sinke Guimarães gave six examples of Church precedence for resisting a Roman Pontiff when he is in error. Indeed, while he is the successor of Peter, he is also Simon. The Pope is not the Church and he can err - sometimes most gravely as Atila illustrated documented cases from the first six centuries beginning with St. Paul resisting St. Peter to his face in Galatians 2: 11 "But when Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch I withstood him to the face, because he was deserving of blame." Atila showed how respectfully we must all resist those hierarchs when they are deserving of blame - whether they be priest, bishop, or even the Pope in his column Historical Precedents for Resisting Popes in Error
    Liturgy of the Saints

    Holy Season of Lent

    MONDAY, March 11:
    Historical feasts of Saint Sophronius who died in 639 and Saint Eulogius who was martyred in 858.

    TUESDAY, March 12:
    Traditional Feast of Pope Saint Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church who died in 604. Historical feast of Saint Theophanes the Chronicler who died in the 8th century.

    WEDNESDAY, March 13:
    Historical feast of Saint Euphrasia, Virgin who died in 410 and the historical feast of Saint Roderick who was martyred in 857.

    THURSDAY, March 14:
    Historical feast of Saint Matilda, Queen who died in 968. She is the Patron Saint of Parents of Large Families.

    FRIDAY, March 15:
    Day of Abstinence. Historical feast of Saint Longinus, Roman Centurion from the 1st century who pierced the side of Christ. Historical feast of Saint Louise de Marillac , Religious Foundress of the Sisters of Charity and the Servants of the sick and the poor. She died in 1660.

    SATURDAY, March 16:
    Historical feast of Saint Abraham, hermit who died in 360 and of Saint Herbert, Bishop who died in 1021.

    SUNDAY, March 17:
    PASSION SUNDAY. Feast of Saint Patrick, Bishop. This Patron Saint and Apostle of Ireland died in 493. Historical feast of Saint Joseph of Arimathea who so lovingly provided Our Lord the sepulchre and shroud. Also the historical feast of Saint John Sarkander, Priest who was martyred in 1620. For reflections on Passion Sunday in Lent, see Fr. Cusick's reflections

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    Thursday, March 14, 2002
    volume 13, no. 49
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