Front Page November Issue (nov2006e.htm)

Month of the Holy Souls
November 1 through December 2, 2006      Volume 17, nos. 293-324
Daily Thoughts and Prayers for Our Beloved Dead

Thanks to the kind permission of Mary Immaculate Queen Press, we provide for each day in November the respective De Profundis Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory with Daily Thoughts and Prayers for Our Beloved Dead. These prayers carry an Imprimatur from Patrick Cardinal Hayes of New York. You can order the booklets for .50 each from Mary Immaculate Queen Center, 8504 N. St. Michael's Road, Spokane, WA 99217-9333. There is a different short prayer for each day followed by an Our Father, three Hail Mary's and one Gloria Patri followed by Psalm 129, De Profundis..., "Out of the Depths..." followed by another prayer for that day; a different prayer for each day. Pray for our departed Traditional Catholic priests, most notably Father James Francis Wathen who passed away a few weeks ago. November Prayers for the Dead

   Through the intercession of good Saint Joseph, a stairway was built in Santa Fe, an elevator miraculously provided. Now parishioners of the Traditional Catholic community of Mount Saint Michael's in Spokane are praying for his intercession to revive a most necessary means of conveying materials and the handicapped from one floor to another: An elevator.
For those who are not aware, the elevator in the five story tower of Mt. St. Michael's broke last year. Since it is an old-fashioned classic Otis from the early nineteenth century, it is much more expensive than a normal elevator because of the authorized national historic preservation of the building and architecture. Therefore, the Mount is praying to St. Joseph and seeking donations to help cover the immense expense of replacing it so that normal operations can resume with the fifty nuns and students at the Academy as well as parishioners for Holy Mass. Presently handicapped parishioners are not able to attend Mass in the main chapel on the second floor of this historical building. If you can help, see Help restore the Elevator


We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the exact Proper and Ordinary of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin and English for the Traditional Calendar.


"Fruitful in every good work"
  • November 19 through November 25 Daily Propers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from:     The Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost through the Feast of Saint Catharine of Alexandria
    November 19November 20 November 21November 22 November 23 November 24 November 25

  • November 26 through December 2 Daily Propers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from:     The Twenty-Fifth and Last Sunday After Pentecost through the First Saturday of the Month of December
    November 26November 27 November 28November 29 November 30 December 1 December 2

  • Listen to the Debate on
    Held October 16, 2006

       For those wanting to listen to the full debate, it is now available on audio at October 2006 Debate at John Lane's site, and soon, thanks to Jennifer Migala, we hope to be able to provide the transcript of the entire Debate held Monday, October 16 at the auditorium of Lewis and Clark High School in Downtown Spokane, Washington which featured John Lane of Australia and editor of The Aquinas Catholic site and the Bellarmine Forum who provided the arguments that the conciliar popes cannot possibly be Catholic and therefore the Church remains in a continued state where the chair remains empty until the election of a valid Pope, debating Robert Sungenis, president of Catholic Apologetics Inc., and a convert who was on EWTN for several years, who took the opposite position, arguing that we must give consideration to the conciliar popes as valid and therefore consent to conciliarism and all the baggage it brings with it in contradiction to Catholic truth. For comments by Myrna Migala and the editor at Hot Issues and the thorough follow up to his own impressions which, hitherto until now, debate moderator Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey remained silent on, but now is free to speak on his perspective of the debate with his feature Debating Past Each Other.

    In addition, now available on audio at Traditional Catholic Sermons are the excellent arguments on Sedevacantism by His Excellency Bishop Mark Pivarunas of the Congregation for Mary Immaculate Queen, presented and documented during the 2006 Fatima Conference last week.

    Also available are his arguments in print:

    Those wishing to order the entire Conference encompassing 17 CD's, they are available for $5. each plus shipping and handling, or $65. (which includes the Debate on Sedevacantism above) plus shipping and handling, by sending a check or M.O. To MIQ Center, 8500 N. St. Michael's Road, Spokane, WA 99217-9765 or call 509-467-1077. For a list of talks, see 2006 Fatima Conference. You may order on-line via MIQ Center.

       Christ or chaos is the site where Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has posted some of the most significant articles of our times. There is probably no more prolific writer in the Traditional Catholic Movement today than Tom, whose mission in life is to save souls and to restore the patrimony of the Roman Catholic Church. Few are more dedicated to this cause in not only preaching it, but living what he preaches. He has walked and driven the journey for it is doubtful anyone - anyone - has assisted at Holy Mass at more Traditional Chapels in the United States than Tom and his wife Sharon and their young daughter Lucy. If souls can be equated to miles, than we can be most optimistic that the fruits of his labors, the persecution he has endured both within and without the Traditional Movement, and his constant call for what Pope Pius XI called for as the only answer for world peace in Quas Primas - the restoration of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ. Only by following His Blessed Mother's advice and honoring her as her divine Son honored and obeyed her for 30 years can we hope to attain such a lofty, but necessary goal for the sake of souls everywhere. We present several of his recent columns on the right on the other side of the rosary beads since we'll only be updating and monitoring the site to alert you to his latest column once a week. We strongly encourage you to go there often for you will get the unadulterated Catholic truth and always a frank, honest, and crystal clear assessment of the current crisis and why Holy Mother Church is in eclipse as Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, Saints and Our Lady foretold. Tom has the solutions and it begins with prayer and perseverance and then truly knowing your Faith so you can keep it in this time of The Great Apostasy. Below are most of his most recent ones. Each is powerful on its own. This should give the reader plenty of reading material for the month not only the articles below but by going to his latest column during November at Christ or chaos Columns

  • But, but, but, but...but Nothing!
  • Yet Another Conciliar Shell Game
  • Take No Chances At All
  • Heaven Knows Anything Doesn't Go
  • Men Who Think They are Different
  • Shifting Sands of Conciliar Novelty
  • Shifting Sands of Popular Sovereignty
  • Dry Rot to the Core
  • The Folly of Playing the Adversary's Rules
  • Rushing to Judgment Without Checking the Facts
  • Enjoy the Myth - of American Freedom, That Is - While It Lasts
  • Fascism at Work and In Your Face
  • Suffering is the Only Path to Triumph
  • A Positivist's Work is Never Done
  • Arrogating to the People What Belongs to Christ the King
  • Debating Past Each Other
  • Fighting for the Right Army
  • The End Must be Near
  • Defecting from Faith and Worship
  • E Pluribus Unum?
  • Alien to the Faith and thus to Truth Himself
  • Only One Election Matters
  • Universal Salvation for Almost All
  • A Patron Saint for Conciliarism
  • Winning Nations for Christ the King and Mary Our Immaculate Queen
  • The Holy Ghost Does Not Contradict Himself
  • The Work of Columbus
  • Hi-Yo, Silver, Away! Let's Go, Mets
  • Exposing Souls to a Fate Far Worse than Limbo
  • Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Do NOR Go Forth and Baptize
  • Theology via Etch-a-Sketch
  • Holiness Unalloyed
  • Defending Wolves, Offending Justice and Truth
  • Put Your Guardian Angel to Work at All Times
  • New Meaning to the Term "Devil's Advocate"
  • Submerged in Novelty
  • To the Point of Their Deaths
  • Even Rome Came to an End
  • Just the Facts
  • From Caesar's Collector of Tribute to God's Collector of Souls
  • The Happy Dreams of Hollow Men
  • Czech Out That Wolf Yet Again
  • All Gets Revealed on the Last Day
  • "Dialogue," Anyone, With the "Religion of Peace?"
  • Stay Out of the Fog

  • Daily Thoughts and Prayers for Our Beloved Dead

    Thanks to the kind permission of Mary Immaculate Queen Press, we provide for each day in November the respective De Profundis Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory with Daily Thoughts and Prayers for Our Beloved Dead. These prayers carry an Imprimatur from Patrick Cardinal Hayes of New York. You can order the booklets for .50 each from Mary Immaculate Queen Center, 8504 N. St. Michael's Road, Spokane, WA 99217-9333. There is a different short prayer for each day followed by an Our Father, three Hail Mary's and one Gloria Patri followed by Psalm 129, De Profundis..., "Out of the Depths..." followed by another prayer for that day; a different prayer for each day. November Prayers for the Dead

    Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great

    Every day of the year the following is a beautiful and effective prayer enabling the Church Militant to assist the Church Suffering in freeing souls from the fires of Purgatory. It carries even more weight with Heaven during the month of the Holy Souls:

      Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy divine Son Jesus Christ in union with all the holy Masses [true Masses] said throughout the world today; for the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, in my home and in my family. Amen.

    Also remember that each Hail Mary carries extra weight during November in relieving souls of their suffering, so say as many Ave's as you can and as many Rosaries as your state-in-life permits.

    Day of Wrath
       Also, during this month of the Holy Souls, we strongly urge you to read and meditate on the words of the Sequence for All Souls Day wherein we are reminded of the Four Last Things. It is a compendium of contemplation on amending our lives and helping the poor souls. See Dies Irae

    Tower of Trent Hall of Honor

    Also, you can now listen to
    Traditional Catholic Sermons

       In addition, we urge you to sign the petition being submitted to the three SSPX Bishops to save the Society of St. Pius X from itself and the machinations of modern Rome to lure them in. Impress on them the need for unity in the Traditional Catholic Movement and remind them that to recognize any authority of an apostate church and an excommunicated leader in the imposter Benedict XVI is akin to serving mammon, not God. Reject modernist Rome once and forever and embrace eternal Rome and all she has passed down from 33 A.D. to 1958. For the sake of souls, pray and sign the petition to urge pressure on Bishop Fellay to cease and desist at once from compromising the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church and from holding any communication with the enemy. The very appointment of Claudio Hummes to replace Dario Hoyos Castrillon shows the handwriting on the wall that Benedict has no intention of ever restoring the True Mass; if anything it illustrates that he more likely will abolish any semblance of Ecclesia Dei Commission and truly turn every Indult into an Insult. Remind the bishops of the tragedy of Campos and cling ever to the pre-conciliar Mass - not the 1962 Mass, but the Mass of All Ages, the Apostolic Mass of Tradition - the Traditional Latin Mass, also called the Tridentine Mass in the Latin form established over the last 1500 years. You can sign the petition at

    Break Off Relations With the conciliarists of Modernist Rome


    NOTE:   For best alignment of pages on this site, set your font size to smaller or smallest in your browser. We assure you that you will be able to read all type at that setting. Please share whatever you see here with others.

    As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary. We pray you will be imbued by the truths of the authentic Catholic Faith we provide here and yearn to learn more of the infrangible truths of the only Church founded by Jesus Christ.

    We at the Daily Catholic believe that copyrighting material is counterproductive to the purpose of saving souls and therefore, in order to expand our reach so that we may decrease while Christ increases, we freely give permission to all to copy and disseminate any written material contained on these pages from 2002 onward, provided nothing is taken out of context and the URL and sources are credited for the sake of accuracy and for the sake of restoring all things in Christ. So as not to confuse or deceive the faithful in any way, nothing before 2002 may be used without written permission from the editor.     For pertinent questions on this, contact the Editor

    Visa MasterCard Discover American Express eCheck
    We remind all our readers that without your financial donations The Daily Catholic cannot continue to operate. We sometimes have to wonder, other than the few faithful ones who always give, if anyone else cares. Christ says so clearly "Amen, I say to you: as long as you did it to one of these, My least brethren, you did it to Me" (Matthew 25: 40). Your tax-deductible contributions can help save souls. Does that matter to you or would you rather ignore this plea and not worry about helping others? You have a free will, but you also have a duty before God to help those laboring for the Lord in His vineyards. How much each of you can give will determine how many we can reach for the True Faith. Please think about it and pray on how much you can give from your heart. A Reminder: Please consider your role in helping bring souls to the true Faith and realize that if you depend on others to send in a donation and the others are depending on you, then few if anyone acts and little money comes in. Fewer souls are reached. Please don't take for granted that others are already contributing. Give your fair share if you are benefiting in any way from the plethora of pages on The Daily Catholic and its archives on the Credo and Feature pages. Please give so that others might profit from the greatest treasure - the Word of God as conveyed through His One True Church. You can send a tax-deductible donation via PayPal or send check, money order or a cash contribution to:

        The Daily Catholic
        P.O. Box 365
        Mead, WA 99021

      We began our 17th year of publishing with our tenth on the internet, which originated with our publishing the monthly Catholic-Internet Network for nearly two years before debuting The Daily Catholic on November 1, 1997. And, speaking of looking back, we were proud to have shared a sample of some of the best articles of 2005: Sixty of them!

    For secular and Christian News we refer you to our NEWS & INFO PAGE by clicking on the button below. We have moved headline feeds to our NEWS & INFO PAGE for two reasons, first so that the front page here will load quicker, and secondly, because we provide them only as headlines and do not endorse the news sources or the content contained on them. Navigate at your own risk, and, when the seas get rough, remember you have a safe and sound HomePort back here at The Daily Catholic.

  • The Infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church

  • In keeping with Christ's assurance in Matthew 7: 19 that "Every tree that yieldeth not good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire" the disintegration of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan man-made church is inevitable. The collapse of this synthetic pan-christian religion spawned from Vatican II, which has usurped the True Roman Catholic Church, is evident from the news reports below, the feature articles to the right beneath the Propers of the Mass. These features and our Credo page should be for all stunning

    of the realization of what has been peddled by the conciliar church of Vatican II is not Catholic and contradicts what the True Church truly teaches as you'll find on our CREDO & CULTURE Page, and especially in the infrangible Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the true Liturgy for each day of the Church's liturgical year, which we provide daily for readers with the Ordinary and Proper of each Mass in both Latin and English so Catholics may truly continue to practice their Faith and truly KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH! Tried and True! Tridentine True! Accept no substitutes. Say No! to the NO!

    While you will see we have providing a warning caution to the left, that caution does not apply to the four traditional sites we highlighted above Dr. Droleskey's columns. That is because Tom's columns are the benchmark for traditional writing today. Also, with Traditio, whether you agree with Fr. Moderator or not, you will always get the perennial position of Holy Mother Church without any trace of modernity. We also strongly recommend the other two links: Tradition In Action with the expertise of Atila Sinke Guimarães and Dr. Marian Therese Horvat, and Traditional Catholic Sermons where you can hear the unadulterated truth in applying the infrangible Deposit of the Faith to our daily lives. At these four Traditional Catholic sites we can assure you they will cut through the spin and chaff to get to Catholic truth and we can confidently endorse them as true to the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church.

    Christ Our King! Now and Forever!
    The Hope laid up for us in Heaven
    October 29October 30 October 31November 1 November 2 November 3 November 4

    High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • November 5 through November 11 Daily Propers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from:     The Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost through the Feast of Saint Martin of Tours on Veterans' Day
    November 5November 6 November 7November 8 November 9 November 10 November 11

    The Calm After the Storm
  • November 12 through November 18 Daily Propers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from:     The Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost through the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul
    November 5November 13 November 14November 15 November 16 November 17 November 18

    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    For Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost we have chosen his sermon for this Proper from two years ago when John Paul II was still the head honcho of the conciliar church. Father compares what Christ commanded to what is being peddled by the Vatican II church - the conciliar church, a direct contradiction to Our Lord's charge as well as Pope Pius IX's assertive words that we must do all in our power to "rescue them from the darkness of the errors into which they have unhappily fallen and strive to bring them back to Catholic truth." He identifies the cavalier attitude of the conciliarists in placating pagan religions while selling out the true Faith. The Faith of the hierarchy of the modern church cannot seem to comprehend the parables Christ spoke which are "hidden from the foundation of the world," and consequently, the faith of the modern church is so weak that it has caved to the world, the flesh and the devil by approving the non-Catholics in their error, a grave heresy that has and will continue to deny countless souls from attaining everlasting life. And, we might add, has continued unabated under Benedict XVI's watch. Should we be surprised considering the conciliar popes are not Catholic? The graphic above is from and used with permission. Father points out the bad fruits of the false religion of Vatican II and how fruitless are their works in contrast to St. Paul's words in Colossians 1: 10, "Fruitful in every good work"

    Reality Check
    Gary L. Morella weighs in with some excellent thoughts in analyzing the most recent semi-annual conference of the conciliar bishops held last week in Baltimore in which, once again they showed their true colors: Pink and Lavender in lacing their document with the very same tone as the militant homosexual collective agenda. After the latest confab of the USCCB it would be an insult to consider the second "C" in USCCB as "Catholic," but rather "condescending" or "contemptuous" or "contradictory", but definitely NOT Catholic since these lavender lackeys pride themselves in their lukewarmness as they seek to impugn homophobia as the problem. Au contraire. The sooner the clueless souls in the Novus Ordo lodges realize this, the faster will they get rid of these spineless men posing as bishops. It's apparent they've never met or heeded a true Pope such as Pius XI in Casti Connubii and Ubi Arcano which Gary pinpoints in popping the pink balloon of the mindless miters in his article The USSCB Has Proven It is Definitely Not Catholic!
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    For Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost we have chosen last year's sermon in which he reminded us of the simplicity of faith of those whom Our Lord heals in today's Gospel of St. Matthew, for Christ is the Calm before the storm and the storm is the wrath of God generated because of man's refusal to heed God's Word. From Sacred Scripture, specifically the Psalms, we know only too well that those who do not strive to love God and do all they are asked by God and the Church Christ founded, have little or no chance of being happy with Him in eternity. That is why storms come: to remind man of his sins so he will repent and amend his life. The natural is employed to remind man of the supernatural. Today's society best represents those the Apostle Paul speaks of in his Epistle to the Ephesians for today's Mass. They are enemies of the Cross of Christ, their god is embodied in the world, the flesh and the devil. These, sadly are today's 'heroes' who lead so many astray and cause scandal. If we choose to follow them, we will stray further from our ultimate goal which is to strive after Christ and His everlasting kingdom. Those who do so are the heroes we must follow; such heroes as the saints who eschewed the wide path of the world and chose the narrow, tough, demanding path filled with thorns. They made it through unscathed grace-wise. If they have made it, so also can we - if we have but the faith of a mustard seed and reach out in all humility to touch His cloak, seeking repentance and a refuge from the storms that ravage and pillage not merely the body, but the soul as well. Father explains in his sermon. The Calm After the Storm
    Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    In this column feature where we previously carried many of Father Wathen's articles, we are carrying a personal tribute to him penned by a friend from Boston Denise M. Trias, a Traditional Catholic mother of five, who has written a few articles for The Daily Catholic this past year. Her words show the heart and dedication of a true pioneer of the Traditional Catholic Movement whose thorough work, The Great Sacrilege is a benchmark of proof that the Novus Ordo Missae was truly the "abomination of desolation" our dear Lord warned of in the Gospel of St. Matthew. The Good Lord, so pleased with the dedication and loyalty of Father James Francis Wathen, bequeathed him a belated birthday present: He took him home, alleviating him of his earthly suffering five hours after his 74th birthday had passed. We pray God did so in order for Father to celebrate his reward for being a good and faithful servant, who kept the Faith, and now, will be worthy, through the merits of Jesus Christ, to experience the august presence of the Beatific Vision forever when he has completed, as we all must, our responsibility to atone for all our temporal sins. Denise shares her words of Tribute to Father James Francis Wathen
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    We take you back to Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost from last year when he equated all the harmful additives that have been added to our foods today with the dangerous synthetic, syncretic sap that is draining souls, dripping with all the errors and, yes, heresies that permeate every aspect of life today thanks to that entity spawned from Vatican II - the conciliar church - which relinquished the exclusive right to truth by recognizing and enabling the "doctrine of devils." Yet there are those who sit on the fence, deceiving themselves that there are no heresies where, in truth, they know in their hearts that they abound but to recognize these heresies would be to admit they have been wrong. Father points out St. Augustine's stinging words from his famous work Confessions, "since they hate to be deceived, they hate being convinced that they are deceived." Yet Our Lord foretold of this in Matthew 24: 24. This then identifies why so many have bought into the harmful additives and poisons of Vatican Two over the last 40 plus years, because they don't want to admit they were wrong, that they have been duped big time and so they continue to ingest the synthetic junk food of the conciliar church, which most admit tastes terrible and foul the appetite, but, as if addicted to apostasy, won't admit that the more they sup with the syncretists and dine with devils, the more this poison takes its effect in the soul. Father explained in his sermon High Fructose Corn Syrup
    Catholic PewPOINT
    Editor Michael Cain lays out the facts that can no longer be denied because Traditional Catholics are in a perpetual pother over the question of whether or not the conciliar popes are Catholic. Yet, in arguing amongst ourselves, are we not akin to the crew on "Gilligan's Island" who, only by working together, would eventually get off the island? It is time for the Traditional movement to work together and, instead of drifting off with the conciliar currents of "could be's" and being little buddies doing the limbo by avoiding the credibility bar that keeps getting lowered with every utterance of the conciliarist leaders, we need to identify the problem and it begins at the top. Only when we recognize Christ as the Head of His Church and not give credence to a manifest, pertinacious and formal heretic, whom Bishop Williamson has identified as one who heads "a diabolically skillful counterfeit of the true religion," will we be able to help save others from their islands of confusion and wandering, and work together as a cohesive unit in fastening a life raft, fashioned from the true mast of the Barque of Peter in order to save souls. Cain holds nothing back in helping several traditional publications and men of authority within the Traditional movement realize by their fence-sitting they are Leaving Traditional Catholics in Limbo
    Christ or chaos
    Many have been waiting for a comprehensive summary of the Debate held on the validity and credibility of Sedevacantism held in Spokane, Washington last month and no one can put it clearer than Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey who highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each of the two participants. He points out that for a debate to have a defined effect, the format has to be such that points are addressed without evading the issue or else it becomes separate entities that do not warrant debate but more replicate the incessant political commercials so prevalent this time of year. Dr. Droleskey, who graciously agreed to moderate the debate between John Lane and Robert Sungenis on whether the conciliar popes can possibly be Catholic, remained firm in his integrity to stay neutral until well after the debate. Thanks to the dauntless efforts of Jennifer Migala, we hope to soon be able to bring you the full transcript of the debate. For now you can listen to it on John Lane's St. Robert site. The statute of limitations for being neutral has passed and the time has now arrived for Tom to speak out and he has graciously allowed us to format his cogent comments from Christ or Chaos for this column. Debating Past Each Other
    The Straight Stuff
    Griff Ruby backs off a bit from his more hardhitting pieces to address a more philosophical question. Namely, what is it about cowardice that makes it not merely pathetic, contemptible, or pitiable, but in fact evil, and indeed malicious? Would not a coward be a most timid and harmless individual? And yet Sacred Scripture consigns the coward to the eternal Lake of Fire. Yes, as Griff shows, cowardice truly is evil and even malicious, and for that matter even one of the cornerstones of why the conciliar church has become the unprincipled mess that it is today. This has continued because of the the very essence of cowardice in those darkened souls who are afraid to study their Faith, afraid to offend man with little concern for what God thinks, and who are comfortable in their comfort zones. So who will stand up to the nonsense? Who will have the strength to stand up to those who threaten to "leave" if any steps are taken to oppose the nonsense, by simply pointing to such ones the door? Those who realize that if their soul is right with God, nothing can hurt them. Those who hold and teach the Faith whole and entire. There is a saying that holds more true today than ever before: Tell the Truth and You're Fireproof! Stay in the State of Grace: There's Nothing You Can't Face! If you are in a state of Grace and determined to remain therein, then there is nothing that the Devil can "make" you do. Griff points out that only a sincere love for God will erase the inherent fear of man as he explains in his column On Cowardice
    Faithful to Tradition
    As a follow-up to an earlier article entitled "Journey to Truth", John Gregory candidly shares his journey, warts and all, in an effort to encourage others that it definitely is all worth it. He entreats all to stay the course, assuring those caught in the haunted conciliar house that there is a way out, a definite light at the end of the tunnel and you'll discover it as well when you take the journey including the highs and lows, all necessary to reach the undeniable understanding of where you can find the true Roman Catholic Church. Strap on and hang on. It's the ride of your lifetime for the sake of your eternal life! We also would like to congratulate John and his new bride Lorraine on their happy Nuptials a few months ago which he shares in his column The Journey Continues
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica takes us down the conciliar brick road where the potholes on the left are transforming into fault lines that threaten to engulf countless souls into the abyss because they cannot decipher between false Catholicism and true Catholicism. It shouldn't be that difficult, but when you place the liberals in charge what do you expect? As conciliar rumblings continue with revisionist spin that a martyr of the True Faith, St. Thomas More was really a "saint for dialogue", the fault widens and hell surges forth as the chasm becomes more evident that conciliar "Catholics" haven't a clue who the faithful English barrister of the sixteenth century was, or his circumstances and what he sacrificed, nor do they have any inkling what is truly Catholic today, thanks to being so dumbed down by conciliar contraband that there are few hearts, brains and courage left to recognize this fact. As Gabriel illustrates more and more are beginning to click their heels and try to wake up, saying with alarm, "Toto, We're Not in Salvation Any More!"
    Traditional Thoughts
    Do we realize when we die we could very well be in the same predicament of the souls in Purgatory today? Do we feel comfortable with that? Father Paul O'Sullivan, O.P. helps us better understand what we must do. Do we realize how few pray for the souls in Purgatory today? Who knows, the way the conciliar church is going, they may soon attempt to do away with the Church Suffering. Don't put it past them. First Limbo, then Purgatory. After all, they've tacitly done away with hell, giving the impression to many that everyone goes to Heaven and there is no need to convert. If that's true, then the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the centerpiece of our Faith and the only true worship pleasing to God, is useless. True Catholics see the error in such logic for they know the truth of the fruits of the Holy Mass and prayers for the souls in Purgatory. They also know that the conciliar church has borne no good fruits and cannot per our Lord's words in St. Matthew 7: 15-20. It's another reason to read Fr. Paul O'Sullivan's poignant words Read Me or Rue It!
    Living in Tradition
    Because of the emphasis on the Church Suffering during November we bring you another excellent work from the noted pre-conciliar Irish priest Father Paul O'Sullivan, author of "The Wonders of the Mass" and several magnificent traditional booklets that have increased in popularity as the years go on and as the souls in Purgatory increase and sit, and wait, and wait, and wait because we here on earth are not doing our part as the Church Militant to relieve those poor souls of their suffering. Only by helping them can we avoid Purgatory, only by remaining in the State of Sanctifying Grace, assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the centerpiece of our Faith and the only true worship pleasing to the Holy Trinity. Through the propitiatory sacrifice, our Rosaries, and making reparation for our own sins and those of others can we help the holy souls in Purgatory and hope to either cut down our time there or, by the grace of God and our total commitment as members of the Church Militant, to discover How to Avoid Purgatory
    The Sanity of Sanctity
    We continue the tradition of bringing you the Litany of Saints for the Saints and Feasts of November, the last month of the Time After Pentecost. Need some impetus to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory? What we provide is a litany to all of the saints whose feast days are celebrated in the month of November. Many of these saints are little-known and often are not, for that reason, invoked in our prayers. Just as almost all in Purgatory are forsaken today by the conciliar church, we must realize our duty to the Communion of Saints as members of the Church Militant, to pray for the poor souls. If you add this short litany to your daily Rosary, you will have the benefit of invoking the prayers of some of these lesser-known saints for November. Litany of the November Saints
    Doctors of the Church
    The twenty-second Doctor in this chronological series on the Doctors of the Church was a man who the devil definitely did not want to become a priest, let alone a Dominican. He was a learned man whose wisdom and holiness rubbed off on another who would go on to be even greater. He was the only saint of the Church called "Great" who was not a Sovereign Pontiff. He was part and parcel of the fruits of the century of saints and took an integral part in the 14th Ecumenical Council. He defended his pupil once called "the dumb ox" against all kinds of calumny and subterfuge, and always in charity. He preached throughout Western Europe, bringing the Gospel to countless souls. This Universal Doctor continued right up to his death with teaching the Faith even though he suffered in his later years from Alzheimer's well before it was even called that. He was Saint Albert the Great, also known as Albertus Magnus: Tutor to the Angelic Doctor.
    Doctors of the Church
    The twenty-ninth Doctor in this chronological series on the Doctors of the Church was born in Spain and throughout his life had obstacle after obstacle placed in his path. Despite the roadblocks, from the earliest possible drowning accident he was protected - under the mantle of the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph. He longed for perfection, desiring to please only Our Lord, so much so that he accepted pain and suffering willfully, even to being demeaned and ridiculed, called an apostate and worse. Through all of this he still kept the Faith when all about him wanted to take it away. He was encouraged by a saintly pupil whom he aided greatly in reform of the Carmelites. God confirmed to all his persecutors that this holy priest was right and deserved the aura of sanctity at his death which this saint had foretold the exact year, month, day and hour. He wrote a book that boosts the confidence of so many who have those times of doubt about their Faith. He showed where faith is not about feelings, but about perseverance during those dark nights of the soul. He was the dauntless Saint John of the Cross, the Apostle of Perseverance.
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    For Father Louis Campbell's sermon for All Saints Day, we reach back to 2003 where he pointed out that our whole purpose on this earth is to join the saints in Heaven. When someone asks 'how many saints are in Heaven?' the answer is: 'ALL of them', for only the purest gain admittance to the presence of the Beatific Vision. But if you did not know Catholic teaching, you could easily get swept up in the heresy that very few don't go to Heaven thanks to the conciliarist concept of universal salvation and other widespread heresies that are not even perceived as such. The reason for this dumbing down of the flock is because of the lie that is being spread by modern society today, thanks to the intrusion of the wolves, ravenous ones at that, into the structure of the Church. It is one reason there are so few saints today. Those who strive to be saints will not condemn these people, but pray they will wake up just as a hardened criminal did because of the persevering prayers of the Little Flower as Father illustrated in his sermon. The Hope laid up for us in Heaven
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    For the Solemnity of Christ the King we go back four years to Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the last Sunday in October celebrating - Vivat Christus Rex - the Feast of the Sovereignty of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Supreme King. The feast was set as the last Sunday in October by Pope Pius XI's encyclical Quas Primas In the following sermon, Father reminds us what Pius said that there can be no peace until we have sought with our whole mind, our whole body, our whole soul the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ in all nations. There is no peace because there are no more Catholic States. The modern state has taken over as Atila Sinke Guimarães confirmed in his article in how Catholic Doctrine undeniably opposes the Modern State. There must be a Catholic State, but, as Father Louis pointed out, since the death of Pope Pius XII this "Glory of God" has been ignored in favor of the glory of man. He explained in his sermon Christ the King! Now and Forever!
    Hot Issues
    While we await a transcript of the Debate between John Lane arguing for the fact that the Chair of Peter is vacant due to the heresies of the conciliar popes and Dr. Robert Sungenis, the Novus Ordo afficianado who argued that the conciliar popes were still valid, we wanted to bring you a few observations of what occurred on Monday, October 16 in Spokane, Washington. The hot and heavy debate, moderated by Tom Droleskey as ringkeeper, if you will, begged for a rematch and Round 4. For now we provide some observations from Round 3 by Myrna Migala, whose daughter Jennifer Migala has graciously offered to transcribe the debate and which will soon be available to readers and to all conference attendees as well as the principals involved in the debate. The editor's own preliminary comments follow as well after Myrna's cogent observations in Observations on the Debate on Sedevacantism

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    For past articles in Round One and Round Two of the arguments pro and con on whether the conciliar popes are Catholic, click on either respective icon.

      For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE


  • When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:

    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

       We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.

    We at the Daily Catholic believe that copyrighting material is counterproductive to the purpose of saving souls and therefore, in order to expand our reach so that we may decrease while Christ increases, we freely give permission to all to copy and disseminate any written material contained on these pages from 2002 onward, provided nothing is taken out of context and the URL and sources are credited for the sake of accuracy and for the sake of restoring all things in Christ. So as not to confuse or deceive the faithful in any way, nothing before 2002 may be used without written permission from the editor.    For pertinent questions on this, contact the Editor