July 30, 2006
vol. 17, no. 199

Freedom, and Where It Leads

Those who follow the siren of the world, the flesh and the devil do not realize their freedom has been usurped. As today's Epistle clarifies, true freedom can only be found for those who adhere to all that Jesus Christ taught and handed down to His Apostles in the true succession through Pope Pius XII, and that includes being willing to be persecuted for Him. Those of good will and sincerity who are faithful to His Church have true freedom. They are the ones St. Paul affirms are the "sons of God...heirs with Christ." They are the true stewards of the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. Those who deviate one iota by subscribing to the Masonic doctrine have abdicated their authority to speak for Christ and His Mystical Bride and will have to give an account of their stewardship.

    "Without the Church's sound doctrine on religious freedom our society is being led to its ruin. We think our enemies are in far off Iraq, or Iran, or North Korea. But our enemies are the secular humanists walking down the street behind us, working at the next desk, entertaining us on TV, representing us in government - working to persuade us that we don't need our faith in the God of Revelation and have no need to obey His Commandments. They have convinced many to accept the crime of abortion as a human right, that contraception is a normal part of every marriage, and that sodomy can be approved and homosexual unions recognized. But we are going down like Sodom and Gomorrah."

      Editor's Note: In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, he illustrates clearly how the conciliar church shackled itself and its followers to the world, the flesh and the devil by subscribing to the Masonic doctrine promoted by the satanic United Nations which abhors the Social Kingship of Christ. Regardless of this fact, thanks to the liberties of Vatican II, the conciliar popes have plodded on to ransack the True Church of so much and jeopardize countless souls. Father shows the heresy of such actions that contradict not only Holy Writ, but the wisdom of previous reliable Roman Pontiffs such as Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII just to name a few. True to today's Gospel from St. Luke, these conciliarists have proven themselves unjust stewards for today's children of the evil one are wiser than those who should know better. Because of it, the Masonic-Protestant-Communist and Pagan manifestos have crept in and corrupted what was once holy. Therefore, in accord with last week's Gospel, these unfruitful branches and trees must be cut down and cast into the infernal fire. Father warns of the traps of mammon for they will entice and lure until you are trapped, then they will discard you for they are not of truth, but of lies, for they come from the father of lies - lucifer himself. True freedom is only possible with, for and of Christ, the Son of God, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Only united to Him can we be heirs with Him. That means we must bear up persecution and avoid the pitfalls so that when the day of our particular judgment arrives we can be judged as faithful stewards as Father explains in his sermon. [bold and italics below are editor's emphasis.]

    After revealing His Commandments to His people God told them, as recorded in the Book of Deuteronomy: "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, heeding His voice, and holding fast to Him" (Deuteronomy 30:19,20a).

    St. Paul, in full agreement, tells us that we choose either to live according to the flesh, or according to the spirit. There is no other alternative. One choice leads to eternal death, the other to eternal life. All those who have rejected God's word revealed through Jesus Christ and taught by His Church are "debtors to the flesh," and are living "according to the flesh." They will lose their souls and die "the second death" (Apocalypse 2:11).

    When man speaks men are free to accept or reject. But when God speaks they are obliged to accept His word, and they refuse to believe at the expense of the loss of their souls. Contradicting the revealed word of God, man speaks in Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948):

    "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

    This is freedom "according to the flesh," which does not lead to life. It is the Masonic doctrine of religious freedom which is accepted as legitimate by our modern Western democracies. This is not true freedom. True freedom comes with the acceptance of God's infallible word, for "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (St. John 8:32).

    The foundations of true liberty are thus undermined. The Catholic Church has always been the staunch defender of true liberty. But the Church's teaching was abandoned by Vatican II when it lined itself up with the U.N. and its Masonic doctrine of freedom, declaring the freedom of all religions, and, in effect, no religion. People are freed from their obligation to worship the true God and obey Him. Human society is descending into chaos, and what remains of the sound structures of the past are crumbling fast. Christian Civilization is a thing of the past.

    On December 7, 1965, Paul VI gave his signature to the Vatican II document Dignitatis Humanae, making official for the conciliar church the new heretical teaching on religious freedom. The document states:

    "The Church therefore is being faithful to the truth of the gospel, and is following the way of Christ and the apostles when she recognizes, and gives support to, the principle of religious freedom as befitting the dignity of man and as being in accord with divine revelation… The Synod further declares that the right to religious freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human person, as this dignity is known through the revealed Word of God and by reason itself. This right of the human person to religious freedom is to be recognized in the constitutional law whereby society is governed. Thus it is to become a civil right."

    Pope Leo XIII expresses the Church's traditional doctrine on Freedom of Religion, which is contrary to the teaching of Vatican II:

    "Liberty is a power perfecting man, and hence should have truth and goodness for its object. But the character of goodness and truth cannot be changed at option. Those remain ever one and the same and are no less changeable than nature itself. If the mind assents to false opinions, and the will chooses and follows after what is wrong, neither can attain its native fullness, but both must fall from their native dignity to an abyss of corruption. Whatever, therefore, is opposed to virtue and truth, may not rightly be brought temptingly before the eye of man, much less sanctioned by the favor and protection of the law" (Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, Nov. 1, 1885).

    Pope Pius IX makes it clear that the new doctrine is not Catholic:

    "They do not hesitate to put forward the view which is not only opposed to the Catholic Church, but very pernicious for the salvation of souls - an opinion which Gregory XVI, Our Predecessor, called absurd. This is the view that liberty of conscience and worship is the strict right of every man, a right which should be proclaimed and affirmed by law in every properly constituted state... When they rashly make these statements, they do not realize or recall to mind that they are advocating what St. Augustine calls a liberty of perdition" (Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura, Dec. 8, 1864).

    Without the Church's sound doctrine on religious freedom our society is being led to its ruin. We think our enemies are in far off Iraq, or Iran, or North Korea. But our enemies are the secular humanists walking down the street behind us, working at the next desk, entertaining us on TV, representing us in government - working to persuade us that we don't need our faith in the God of Revelation and have no need to obey His Commandments. They have convinced many to accept the crime of abortion as a human right, that contraception is a normal part of every marriage, and that sodomy can be approved and homosexual unions recognized. But we are going down like Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Part of the agenda of the enemies of true human society in their efforts to destroy the souls of the innocent is to promote immodesty in dress. Witness the gross immodesty of the movie stars and others entertainers. We view many of the movies, music videos, TV programs and ads at the risk of falling from grace. Nothing is off limits. The result is that the minds of the innocent are corrupted and they are swept into the cesspool of impurity that Our Lady warned us about through the children at Fatima. This has been planned for us - the corruption of our youth, the downfall of our country and our very civilization. Don't follow the example of the worldly who are on their way to Hell, but dress as true Christian men and women who take seriously the responsibility of saving their souls.

    And where does true freedom lead us? "Now you have not received a spirit of bondage so as to be again in fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons, by virtue of which we cry 'Abba! Father!' The Spirit Himself gives testimony to our spirit that we are sons of God. But if we are sons, we are heirs also: heirs indeed of God and joint heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:15-17a). "Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, heeding His voice, and holding fast to Him" (Deuteronomy 30:19b,20a).

Father Louis J. Campbell

    July 30, 2006
    vol 17, no. 199
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    Father Louis Campbell's Sunday Sermons