Revelations and Prophesies Imparted to St. Bridget of Sweden (4bridg32.htm) as featured on The DailyCatholic, a Traditional Catholic publication dedicated to perpetuating the One True Faith and preserving the Traditional Latin Mass in this time of the Great Apostasy by upholding the sedevacantist syllogism in order to Save All Necessary Catholic Traditions in the United States (SANCTUS) and preserve the Truths and Traditions of the Church founded by Jesus Christ upon the Rock of Peter.

Revelations of St. Bridget

Revelations and Prophecies Imparted to St. Bridget

Book Four

Chapter Thirty-Two

          In Book Four, Chapter Thirty-Two of the Prophesies and Revelations of the holy mystic St. Bridget of Sweden the Mother of God tells the faithful virgin bride of Mary's infinite mercy toward sinners and toward those who praise and honor her and this is explained by both the Holy Ghost and her divine Son Jesus in assuaging a man's nightmare temptations by the devil in prompting the man to doubt the Holy Trinity. It is conveyed to Bridget that Christ assured him that He is pleased by both those in poor health and good health as long as they are devoted to God.

    The Mother speaks: "You have an expression that says, 'That sort of thing could make me leave my homeland.' I tell you so now: Nobody in the world is so great a sinner - provided he says in his heart that my Son is the Creator and Redeemer of the universe and dear to Him in his inmost heart - that I am not prepared to come to him immediately, like a loving mother to her son, and hug him and say: 'What would you like, my son?'

    Even if he had deserved the lowest punishment in hell, nevertheless, if only he has the intention of not caring for worldly honors or greed or carnal lust, such as the Church condemns, and desires nothing but his own sustenance, then he and I will right away get along quite well together.

    Tell the man who composes songs of praise for me - not for the sake of his own praise or reward but in praise of Him Who is worthy of all praise because of all His works - that just as worldly princes give a worldly reward to the people who praise them, so I will give him a spiritual remuneration.

    Just as there are many notes on a single syllable, so it pleases God to give him a crown in Heaven for each syllable in his song. It will be said of him: 'Here comes the praiser, who did not compose his song for any temporal good but for God's sake alone.' "


    This man had temptations concerning the Holy Trinity. In an ecstasy he saw what looked like the faces of three women.

    The first said: "I have attended many weddings, but I have never seen one to be three."

    The second answered: "If there are three and one, it is necessary that one of them must be prior and another posterior, or else two in one."

    And the third added: "They cannot have created themselves, so who made them?"

    Then the Holy Ghost said openly: "We will come to him and make Our abode in him." And when he awoke, he was free of the temptation.

    After this, Christ said to Lady Bridget: "I am one and three. I want to show you what the Father's power is, what the Son's wisdom is, what the Holy Spirit's might is, in order to make known that I, God, am three and one: Father and Son and Holy Ghost." This revelation is complete once it is preached from the pulpit.

    Christ said again: "Tell him that he gains greater merit in My sight through his illness than through his health. Lazarus grew brighter due to his pain, and Job more beloved due to his suffering. However, My chosen ones are not displeasing to Me when they have good health, since their heart is always with Me and their body remains in wise abstinence and pious works."

Revelations and Prophesies Imparted to St. Bridget of Sweden
Book Four: Chapter Thirty-Two